The Plan.

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I almost disregarded the letter completely, I simply couldn't risk it. With Bellatrix here I was under constant surveillance. They were always watching now, it made me quite uneasy.

But my curiosity got the best of me, like it always does. So now I'm standing outside the burrow. I wasn't expecting to get a letter from the order, from what I had heard they weren't doing so well. After Sirius and what happened at the ministry I hadn't heard anything from them personally.

But seeing as I'm here, they're obviously still going strong.

I wore a pale grey dress and matching leather jacket, not knowing what exactly I was here for. So I decided to just dress to impress like I always did. And seeing as it was Christmas, I figured why not?

I knock lightly on the door, silently hoping they didn't hear it. That way I can just go home, or to Malfoy manor to be with Draco. But then again, it's not the same as it once was, being filled to the brim with death eaters now. It's lost the elegant charm I had admired in the beginning.

The door opens and I spot Molly, she beams at me " Oh dear, come on in before you catch a cold." she says ushering me inside. Once inside she pulls me into a tight hug " Good to see you again Dear." she says, placing both her hands on my cheeks and looking me over.

I smile at her " You as well." I say politely, she moves her hands down to my shoulders. " How have you been?" I question. It's been quite awhile since I've seen Molly. I'd always hope to see her again as well as the rest of the family. They were always so kind to me from the beginning.

She wraps an arm around my shoulder " I've been well, how are you?" she says, leading me to the kitchen.

" I'm well." I say politely. I've always adored Molly, ever since I met her at Grimmauld place. She has a warm heart, and a kind soul. Despite her outburst, leading to the discovery about my father. I still adore her.

The Weasley house has a warm feeling to it. Pictures of the family hang on the walls, some I recognize, some I don't. They're are multiple chores being done by magic. And the sound of laughter and yelling echo through the walls.

It's nothing like the Locke Manor. With it's dark décor, and hollow rooms. Here it's very lively and full of warmth. Their home is clearly well loved and well lived in, it has that feeling. Even my calm and cool room could not compare to the immediate comfort that hangs in the air.

The sound of feet running down the stairs pulls me out of my daze. I see a flash of red hair then I'm pulled into a hug. " Ellie, nice to see you again." Ginny says, I smile hugging her back.

I laugh " Nice to see you too," I say calmly, " best not tell anyone I was here though." I say sternly.

She rolls her eyes like it's obvious " Of course not," she says before smirking " we wouldn't want Malfoy to find out would we." she says teasingly, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I hadn't even thought about that. I'm sure she wouldn't actually tell him, seeing as I hadn't. I don't think he'd take well to me hanging out with the Weasleys. Especially now that we were so close. But he wasn't what was on my mind when I had said that.

I raise my eyebrows " I was thinking more about you know who, but I guess that's a good point too." I say calmly, she nods pulling away and disappearing into the living room.

I feel a slight shift in the air behind me, as well as a quiet crack. I know exactly who's joined me before I even look. I smile " hello boys, how have you been." I say calmly, earning a groan from the twins.

" How did you know." one of them says, " We were so quiet." the other says. It's true, they had been rather quiet, but not quiet enough.

I turn smiling at them " I just know." I say with a shrug. They scoff, both scowling at me as they walk into the kitchen. Molly disappears from beside me to scold the boys about eating all the sweets. I drift towards them, not entirely sure what else to do.

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