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" Miss Locke, I've heard you have experience with this curse, care to tell us about it?" He says in a condescending tone. I furrow my brows at him trying to mask the panic that rises in the back of my head. Only rising when I feel everyone's eyes on me instead of Carrow.

I frown quickly coming up with an explanation " it's how my Mother died." I explain glaring at Carrow. Neville gives me an empathetic look and I feel and see a few people look back to Carrow with angry glares.

He tuts his tongue disapprovingly " Now, now Miss Locke, I'm not talking about your Mother." he says crossing his arms as he walks towards me " You know what I'm talking about," he says with a smile " I'm talking about what you did to her killer." he says and people turn back to me.

I have no clue why Carrow has it out for me, his sister too. However this was uncalled for, why would he expose me like this? I've never done anything to them I never got detention, they usually left me alone. I've never even spoken out of term in his class before today, what quarrel could he possibly have with me?

He stands right in front of my desk and looks down on me " Don't ignore me while I'm talking to you!" he snaps. I look up at him and he glares at me " You know exactly what I'm talking about, but they don't which is why I'm telling them. They deserve to know their classmate is a murderer." he says and gasps ring out around me.

My jaw clenches and I shoot him a cold glare and he grins " Of course they didn't know that because, correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Lucius Malfoy covered it up for you?" he asks rhetorically, already knowing the answer.

I stare down at the table " It was an accident." I say confidently.

He scoffs and out of the corner of my eye I see Neville glare at me " The killing curse is never an accident, never." he says calmly. I look up and stare him dead in the eyes and he just smiles meeting my gaze.

He turns and walks back towards the board apparently done with my lecture. How had things escalated so quickly? All because I wouldn't crucio someone? Or had he been waiting for the opportunity to diminish my reputation, and most likely sever a few ties.

He rambles on about the curses ignoring me completely. He seems to be done with his little tantrum and has moved on. However the eyes still linger on me and I hear people whispering. Neville isn't glaring at me anymore he's just looking down at our table, he looks disappointed.

Why am I still here? Why were people from both sides still hating me. I realize I haven't made the best decisions but I did everything to help them. No I wasn't helping the Carrows in any way but I was doing what I could for the students. Not that there was much of anything I could do.

In a fit of frustration I slam my hands down on the table. Carrow turns with wide eyes as I grab my bag from my chair and kick at my desk, sending it flying at him. He jumps out of the way and glares at me and I just huff and walk out the door. I feel eyes burning into my back as I walk out and choose to ignore them.

Down the corridor I see McGonagall peek out of her office at the loud noise. Her eyes find me walking down the corridor and her brows furrow. I don't look at her as I pass instead I look down at the ground and walk swiftly away.

" It will all be over soon." I hear her say from behind me and I stop in my tracks. I turn to her with wide eyes and she sighs smiling gently. She disappears into her office closing the door with a quiet click and leaving me staring at the door.

I stayed in my dorm for the rest of the day and contemplated going home to see Draco. I didn't know what he was doing right now and it worried me. What if he was hurt or something happened and I wasn't with him.

Talking With Snakes||D.MWhere stories live. Discover now