Slytherin takes care of their own.

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The screams echo around the hall, loud and piecing. Automatically my eyes search the crowd for the source, once I've finally locked in on it, it starts to come from somewhere else. Then just as I'm walking down the stairs that's when the voice starts.

" I know that many of you will want to fight." The voice starts in a calm cool tone. My mind instantly recalls the sound of the voice and I argue with the tears that threaten to fall, I knew it was coming but for some reason it still took me off guard.

" Some of you may even think that to fight is wise. But this is folly." I squeeze my eyes shut, to keep the tears at bay as he continues  " Give me Harry Potter. Do this, and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded." he says in his same cold tone, stopping to pause for a moment before adding " You have one hour.

The voice disappears and everyone looks around in shock.

Silence linger in the hall as every pair of eyes turns to Harry. I watch the crowd part around him like he's some kind of disease. Yet nobody makes any moves or says anything, they just wait and watch him while he's deep in thought.

Harry looks around him, swallowing thickly as he does. I can tell what's running through his head, he's a Gryffindor, he's supposed to be brave but this was just stupid. The fact that he's actually thinking about it makes me almost scoff but I stop myself.

I move to step towards him when, " What are you waiting for?" I hear Parkinson's shrill voice rings out. I turn to her a few feet from me and scowl at her, she glances around at the people beside her " Someone grab him!" she says, panic clear in her tone.

I stride towards her, a cold glare on my face " Parkinson." I hiss. She looks over at me with a terrified expression " You can't be serious." I hiss lowly.

She frowns at me " He said he would leave Hogwarts untouched, wh-" I cut her off " Lies!" I hiss. Her face falls under my stare and she shrinks back " It's all lies Pansy, he may say that but as soon as Harry's gone he will march right in through those doors. He. Won't. Hesitate." I say the last part slowly so that it sinks in.

She glances behind me to Harry and scowls, she turns back to me " How can we trust him." she asks coolly.

I scoff raising an eyebrow " You would trust Vol- him, more than you trust Harry?" I question defensively. She frowns at me not saying anything, I straighten out and look her dead in the eyes " Forget everything Pansy, it was all lies, nothing matters now other than Harry, he's here and we need to help him." I say calmly, my voice quiet to hide the intended meaning.

She furrows her brows, stepping closer to me so her face is only an inch from mine " My Father wouldn't lie to me, he wouldn't want me to sacrifice myself for him." she says, angrily gesturing to Harry.

I turn to glance at Harry who's watching the interaction curiously. I furrow my brows and turn back to her " Don't do it for him," I say calmly and she gives me a confused look " Do it for Draco and Daphne, and Theo, Blaise Crabbe and Goyle. We're not just fighting for him we're fighting for our friends, our friends that deserve so much more than this." I say quickly, gesturing around me at the last part.

She doesn't say anything as she thinks over my words, her face slowly softening. She meets my eyes and her mouth pulls into a thin line before she nods.

" Students out of bed! Students out of bed!" I turn to the doors to see Filch rush into the great hall. He runs, or more like hobbles through the doors " Students in the corridors!" he shouts holding Misses Norris in his arms.

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