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" Pure blood " Draco say's winking at me, were standing in front of the entrance to the Slytherin common room

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" Pure blood " Draco say's winking at me, were standing in front of the entrance to the Slytherin common room. I watch as the bricks pull back to make a doorway in the wall and the others enter. I walk through the  corridor looking around anxiously. When the common room appears up ahead I take in the sight. It's certainly well decorated the green lights casting an eerie glow on the whole room as well as the  black and green leather couches. a massive fireplace with portraits that hang above it, their are a few desks along the walls and multiple smaller tables with chairs around them.

" This. Is. Awesome " I turn grinning around the room, they chuckle and I smile at them.
"Ellie? do you know what dorm your in?" I hand her the piece of parchment with my dorm on it and she beams, "You got lucky, one of the girls in our dorm just graduated " she grins " you got her spot, come on Ill show you " I smile and follow her.

The dorms are small but they're just as elegant as the common room was, there are four beds I see the one with my stuff beside it and Nebulus's cage and smile. " Hey! your right next to me " I smile at her taking Nebulus out of his cage and cradling  him in my arms. " Who else is in our dorm?" I question she sighs " Parkinson and Millicent Bulstrode " I cringe at pansy's name making her laugh " Millicent is pretty nice far less annoying than Pansy at least." she sighs " At least " I say laughing.

I carry Nebulus with me as we walk out of the dorms and sit on the leather couch opposite the ones the boy's are on and set Nebulus on my lap; Daphne sits beside me. " were definitely going to win house cup this year, I mean as long as you make quidditch and beat potter we'll be fine " Blaise says to Draco, we seem to have walked into their conversation " Yeah unless Dumbledore throws in 'last minute points' like last year " Draco groans. Blaise sighs " that was just plain bias " Blaise waves him off " if we had been the ones to do that last year, we would've been expelled. But he has no reason to do the same this year " Blaise frowns furrowing his brows. " As long as we don't get caught getting into trouble we'll be fine " Draco shrugs standing up, he claps his hand to Blaise's pulling him up " and as long as we make the quidditch team, there's no way we won't win " Draco grins, Blaise has a worried expression on his face but he shakes it off and grins.

Nebulus leaps from my lap and strolls over to the other couch making himself comfortable.  pansy enters the common room and walks to the couches " Be gone you ugly little cretin " Pansy hisses shooing Nebulus, who jumps off the couch and strolls over hopping back on my lap. she follows the cat with her eyes, they widen when she see's mine narrowed at her I scowl and Nebulus hisses at her. she blushes and sits on the couch, avoiding my eyes.

Blaise switches to the middle couch and Draco opts to sit on mine and Daphne's couch, Nebulus moving closer to him when he does he scratches Nebulus between the ears smiling. 
I watch as the boys talk quidditch with me and Daphne shooting confused glances at each other.

They do this until Pansy squeezes onto our couch and grabs Draco's arm, I move closer to Daphne so Draco can move over. He does but she follows he tries to push her off but she doesn't budge "I missed you Drakey, didn't you miss me?" she smiles " No " he says bluntly trying to shake her off again, she frowns. Nebulus who had been happily sleeping with his head on Draco's lap, hisses at her standing and moving to take up residence on Draco's lap.

Me and Daphne laugh along with Blaise, Draco smiles fondly at Nebulus, Finally pulling his arm out of Pansy's grasp. She scowls at him and our laughing group before storming off; in the direction of the dorms.

I pick up Nebulus and hold him up " all hail the king " I mutter laughing and pull him back down to cuddle him against my chest, he nuzzles his head under my chin and purrs loudly.

Crabbe and Goyle enter the room grinning " And where were you two?" Draco questions raising an eyebrow. " We were having a talk with a third year Gryffindor after he shoved our friend here " a smaller boy steps out from behind  them, he has a bruise on his cheek and the palms of his hands are scraped up. I get up and offer him my hand he takes it " come with me " I say in a calm voice, I walk to the bathroom " wait here " I say before going into the bathroom. 

I grab a cloth and run it under cold water, I walk back out pulling him to sit on the couch. I take one of his hands in mine and wipe at the dirt on his palm, it's just a scrape but it should still be cleaned. after I'm done with that I head back to the bathroom and  wet the cloth again, returning to the room. I smile waving my wand over the cloth " Glacius " a part of the cloth freezes and I fold it over and place it on his cheek. " hold this here " he nods . " thankyou " he says smiling at me, " No problem " Draco places a hand on the boys shoulder " Slytherin takes care of their own" he says with a smile and the group nods.

I take a glance at the clock, it's almost midnight I stand up "I'm off to bed " I smile at the group
" Me too " Daphne adds. " Goodnight " me and Daphne call to the group turning to the dorms, " Goodnight ladies" Blaise says grinning.

We enter our dorm and I take a seat on my bed, placing Nebulus at the end of it.
I notice Pansy glaring at him -why the hell does she hate my cat so much- I roll my eyes and change into my pajamas crawling into my bed. I turn to Daphne who's already in her pajamas, she smiles at me and before turning to scowl at Pansy. I can feel Pansy's eyes glaring at me -seriously what's this girls problem- I grab my wand turning and using it to close the canopy with a hiss; so she can no longer see me. 

Daphne laughs but I ignore her placing my wand under my pillow and  crawling under my blankets, laying back and grabbing my fathers book and flipping through the pages.

after about an hour of reading through my  book I place it on the bedside table. I look over at Daphne who's already sleeping peacefully, I smile at her and turning my light out and falling  asleep.

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