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I don't go to class for a week after what happened with Carrow. I simply wasn't in the mood to deal with him or anyone else. I spent the first day after taking care of Blaise after he'd been crucioed. I felt bad for him and he was the only one I could actually talk to.

It was basically just me and him the whole week, he knew everything now. He hadn't reacted like the others, Daphne was still avoiding me but at least she hadn't told anyone. Theo was always with her but he seemed off, Pansy was quiet and our whole dorm was uneasy. Millicent only knew half of it and we kept her out of the rest.

I hadn't planned to leave my room at all until Snape summoned me to his office. I had been reluctant to actually go but I knew he'd come after me if I didn't.

So reluctantly I walk through the halls towards his office, after curfew. As I pass through the corridors I hear the Carrows voices up ahead. I don't bother hiding or anything, they won't hurt me, they can't.

As I pass them they shoot me cold glares and I respond by flipping them off. I hear an annoyed grunt and the hint of a struggle but nothing happens. When I glance back however I see Alecto Carrow holding her brother back and I shoot her a sweet smile. She glares back at me tugging on her brothers sleeve and pulling him down the corridor.

I stand at the door to the headmasters office and breathe in a deep breath before pushing the door open.

I see Snape sitting behind his desk with his arms folded. He looks up with a sigh " First of all," he drawls in an annoyed tone " I apologize on behalf of the Carrows." he says slowly. My eyes widen and he continues " Second, Mr. Potter and his friends robbed Gringotts last night." he says in a low voice.

I furrow my brows " Why were they at Gringotts?" I ask quietly.

He points his wand at the door and it closes " Muffliato." he mutters quietly. He looks back to me " I have no doubt they were looking for Horcruxes." he says calmly. I furrow my brows at Snape as he fiddles with his robes.

" Do you have any idea where they might be now?" He asks in a curious tone. He places his wand on the table and I notice it's a very different color. The wand he placed on the table isn't only a different wood but a different design as well. I knew from watching him in potions and in DADA that his wand was in fact black, this one was white.

Two things come to mind at this moment, either he simply got a new wand, but why would he? There was no point, if the wand had chosen him then he wouldn't need a new one, he also didn't break it because he had it the other day when we first talked. 

Or second, maybe it wasn't Snape at all.

I shake my head my brows furrowed slightly " No," I say calmly. My mind is running through different situations of what could be going on " Why would a horcruxe be in Gringotts?" I ask curiously to keep the conversation going.

His demeaner changes as he shrugs " I, don't know." he says slowly. His voice is different, Snapes was low and nasally, now it was low and raspy. I paid a lot of attention to him in the last few weeks " I've heard there was a horcruxe in Bellatrix's vault." he says calmly.

I furrow my brows " Was there? I mean why would Bella have it?" I ask quickly. His eyes widen slightly " Personally I think Bella would've been smarter than to leave a horcruxe with goblins." I say quietly pacing the room, my eyes searching the shelves for disturbance.

He chuckles catching me off guard " Yes well, Gringotts is very secure." he says in a breathy voice.

I frown turning to face him " Obviously not if Harry Potter was able to break into it, was there a horcrux? Did he take it?" I ask. I'm hoping I've veered off enough for him to forget I had already asked. Maybe I can trick whoever it was into revealing information on the horcruxe.

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