loose ends.

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I wake up in the same spot as last night, Draco still fast asleep on my stomach. I gently lift his head, moving him over so I can slip away.

I wander about the room, placing Crabbe and Goyle's blanket over them. I turn to Theo, moving his head to rest on the pillow and throwing his blanket over him.

I use my wand to lift Blaise from the floor onto his bed. I place his head on his pillow, and throw his blanket over him. I look down at him laughing lightly at the gentle snore that escapes his mouth. I push his hair back, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.

I return to Draco's bed, I take my original spot. I place his head back on my stomach, and his arms automatically wrap around my waist. I reach down pulling his blanket over top of him, tucking it around him carefully.


Daphne appears at the door a few hours later. She smiles when she see's me, walking in quietly. She places glasses of water on the boys nightstands, along with a few snacks.

She looks around the room eyeing all the boys neatly tucked in. She raises an eyebrow at me and I shrug. Her gaze turns to Draco laying on me. She wiggles her eyebrows and I wave her off, mouthing 'go away' to which she replies 'okay mum' I scowl at her and she stifles a laugh.

We miss breakfast and lunch, at this point I'm beginning to wonder if they'll ever wake up.

I hear Blaise stir beside me and I turn to look at him. He rolls over almost falling off his bed, I hold my hand out stopping him from doing just that. He levitates for a minute before I push him back. I let out a sigh of relief when he's safely back o his bed.

I close my eyes content on where everyone is. So I try to get a little more sleep, and I almost do until.


Most of the boys all jump up and I hear Blaise groan on the floor next to me. 

I roll my eyes turning to him " You okay?" I ask quietly, not wanting to wake Draco.

At the sound of my voice the boys turn to me with surprised looks. I laugh lightly, they look around confused, probably wondering how they all ended up covered and in their beds.

Blaise puts it together the quickest " Thanks, Ellie." he says offering a small smile.

I nod smiling back " It was so peaceful, till you fell out of your bed." I whisper laughing lightly.

He laughs, looking down to Draco in my lap. He wiggles his eyebrows at me, making me blush. I look down to Draco, pushing back a strand of hair that hangs over his eyes. Blaise makes a smooching noise beside me, I roll my eyes turning to scowl at him.

Draco moves slightly and my eyes widen. For a minute I think I've woke him up, but he simply stretches his legs before relaxing again.

I turn to Blaise pointing to the water " Drink." I command in a whisper.

He rolls his eyes " Yes mum." and starts to chug the water.

The boys make quiet chatter throughout the room, all of them thanking me, slightly embarrassed. In the end they make a joke out of it, all of them starting to call me mum just to make me mad.

I scowl at them " You're lucky Draco's asleep, otherwise I'd hex all of you!" I hiss in a whisper.

" Get them love," I hear Draco whisper, shifting slightly. I turn to glare at the boys for waking him. They all cower under my stare.

I turn back to Draco as his cheeks turn pink from embarrassment. I laugh lightly and the boys join in, he buries his head in my jumper. Which only makes the laughter worse. I roll my eyes at them, pointing to Blaise's glass of water. 

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