Talking snakes.

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She stands up glaring at me, " give it back," she says I know she's trying to be calm but her facade has slipped. I hold it out " go on Granger, take it." she reaches for it and I pull my hand back twiddling her wand in my fingers, " come on Hermione, try harder than that." she's turning red now, I take a step back " if you want it, take it." she lunges for it thrusting her hand out, I turn slightly and her hand goes past it.

 In all honesty if It were anyone else I would've given it back, but I find it fun to tease her, after all I'm Slytherin, as Weasley so kindly pointed out. she really needs to defend herself, Malfoy would've snapped her wand by now.

 I sigh " Granger it's simple, Think about it." she hesitates grasping what I mean and holding her hand out, It moves but not enough to fly to her hand. I sigh " maybe I'll just keep it then," I look at her with a frown, " You will not!" she says 

" Ladies calm down." Lockhart says looking at Hermione, " Locke please return Grangers wand." I almost glare at professor Snape, " Fine " I scowl at her before tossing the wand in her direction and turning around. " Everte Statum!" I grin as I hear her words spinning around with my wand out and blocking her spell, It pushes me back but I stand my ground. 

I point my wand at her 'Wingardium Leviosa' she lifts off the ground looking confused. I keep my mind focused, I raise her about five feet off the ground holding her there. " Drop her." Blaise says and I almost lose my concentration with a laugh, " As fun as this has been Hermione, don't you think you might want to give up now?" she scowls at me. " Miss Locke, put Miss Granger down!" Lockhart yells, I risk a glance at Snape and he nods, I lower her setting her gently to the ground.

" Pathetic." I mumble quietly a frown on my face, she glares at me and I shrug. stepping down off the table with a nod pointed at Snape.


Were back in our common room Blaise teasing Draco about his defeat, which of course ends with me and Daphne watching them playfully shove each other around. " So are you going home for the holidays?" Daphne asks, I hadn't thought about it I barely even noticed that in a few days everyone would be leaving. We sit down on one of the couches by the fire, " I haven't really thought about it." I admit, " But I think I'll just stay here, what about you? are you going home?" she rolls her eyes " Father has insisted we spend Christmas in Paris again so yes and no." she laughs. " What about you Blaise?" he looks at us plopping down on the couch opposite, " Mother's dragging me back to Italy." he groans.

"Draco?" I ask hoping at least one of them will stay. "  I think I'm staying, It's up to my father" he smiles,  "Crabbe, Goyle?" I ask curiously.  " Were staying " Crabbe adds. " Well that'll be fun." I grin at them.

" Drakey! I caught up to you!" Pansy bursts into the common room rushing to Draco's side and sitting down right in between him and Blaise. I look at Daphne and roll my eye's, she giggles looking over to Parkinson. "What are you laughing at." Pansy hisses, " Your Desperation" I mutter and our group bursts out laughing and I grin, 

" Your just jealous, cause your not as pretty as I am!" I laugh " Honey, if that's pretty... I don't want it" I shrug and she scowls at me, Daphne snickers. " No she's not as Pretty as you," Draco pauses blushing slightly " but She is Prettier than you." I laugh, I swear I see tears in Pansy's eyes as she storms off. " slither off little snake " I hiss.


I wake up in the middle of the night to whispers and try to force myself to go back to sleep; to no avail. I stand up and exit my dorm wandering around in the common room, pacing back and forth before sitting on the floor with my back against the couch. I draw shapes in the air with my wand before getting an idea. I think back to the spell Draco used earlier, " serpensortia " I whisper it doesn't work. I straighten up against the couch and picture a snake in my mind hoping it will help, " serpensortia " a small black snake flies from my wand. 

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