Room of requirement.

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We've been wandering around for weeks, trying to find Harry's stupid club. We don't even know if it's real, we're going off the rumors Umbridge has heard. Filch has been following us around muttering about a magic door, I think he's lost it.

The irritation is getting to me and I've been snapping at everyone today. I've decided to go it alone today, so I'm wandering the halls while the rest of the squad took the day off.

I'm turning over Filch's idea in my head, what could he even mean by a magic door. I wander through the corridors on the third floor, when it hits me. Filch said the door magically appeared on the wall. 

My thoughts have me climbing to the seventh floor.

I stand before the blank wall looking around, before thinking of needing a place to practice magic. A place hidden from others, that will not be easy to find.

The door appears in front of me, it's larger than the one that appears when I usually come. I take a breath before heading for the doors, I place a hand on the door, hesitating before pushing it open.

The room is huge, mats laying in squares on the floor. Multiple dummies line the wall, with mirrors all around. But that's not what catches my attention.

" Reducto!" I hear Ginny yell as I walk in, making a practice dummy explode before her. I take in the circle of students who, due to the loud blast, haven't noticed me yet.

I lean against the wall, bringing my hand to meet my other one in a slow clap. I tilt my head as the first few students turn to me. My eyes meet Ginny's and panic flashes through them. I smirk at her " Well done, little Weasley." I say my voice amused.

The rest of the students turn at the sound of my voice. My eyes locking with Harry's for a split second before I look around the room.

" I must say, this was the last place I thought I'd find you." I say calmly, I sigh " I thought I was the only one who knew about this room," I say looking around the walls " It's much different now."

" Ellie, you mustn't tell Umbridge." Hermione pleads eyeing my badge, I smile walking towards her.

" And why's that Granger," I question tilting my head " Afraid she'll shut down your little club." I say mocking a pout. She doesn't respond, I sigh " Sorry Granger, but it's my job." I say with a shrug. I'm just teasing her I really don't want Umbridge to find this room, after all, it's my escape too.

" You can't!" Harry says surging towards me, " If she finds us sh-" I interrupt him. 

" Use her favorite quill?" I ask sweetly and his eyes widen. " I hear she has many, but she favors blood quills." I say with a shrug, he glares at me " But you already know that." I finish tilting my head, eyeing his hand.

He looks down at the scarred words then back up to me. His eyes turn pleading " Ellie, please." he begs stepping towards me. He's far too gullible for his own good, same goes with the rest of them.

I laugh taking him off guard. I spot Luna, She smiles brightly at me, I roll my eyes in a playful manner turning back to Harry. I'm surprised she's involved in this, why when she knows she could get hurt she'd come.

" I'm not telling Umbridge, after all, I want this place to stay a secret too." I say calmly. His features relax into a smile. I take a step towards Luna and she meets me halfway. I pull her into a hug and she returns it.

I turn back to Harry my arm still around her shoulders " Besides," I say with a smile leaning my head on Luna's " I'd never hurt Luna, Despite everything she's one of my bestfriends." I say with a smile.

I turn to her " And Aris would murder me." I say with a laugh. 

A content smile plays on her face " Mm, Aris, I miss him, he's nice." she says quietly.

I turn back to Harry " You're too gullible for your own good, Potter." I say rolling my eyes. He frowns at me calling him by his last name, I ignore it.

" So, learn anything good?" I ask Luna, as everything goes back to normal around me. She nods and I take a few steps back when she motions for me to do so. I pull my wand from my waistband holding it out in front of me.

" Stupefy." she says quietly, I block the spell but it pushes me back quite a bit. I smile at her, not catching her second attempt quick enough. I fly back landing at Harry's feet with a wide grin aimed at Luna.

" Nice one!" I say standing and walking towards her. 

" Ellie can I speak to you?" 

I don't so much as glance in his direction " Actually Potter, I have to go I have people to see and studying to do." I say, which is true I'm supposed to meet McGonagall before I leave for Christmas break.

I wave goodbye to Luna, walking to peek out the door as I do. I slip out as Harry says my name from behind me, closing the door on him.


I wake up in the middle of the night to a knock on the door. I look around to see that no one else is up. So I walk to the door opening it slowly.

I look up to see Professor Snape, " Dumbledore wishes to see you." he says quietly. 

I rub a hand over my eyes " What, why?" I question. He ignores me grabbing my arm and pulling me along behind him.

We enter Dumbledore's office, I see the Weasley's standing I the corner, Harry and Hermione in the middle of the room. I glance at McGonagall and she gives me a shy smile.

" McGonagall has told me of your teachings," Dumbledore begins and my eyes widen.

" If you're truly loyal to the order, I ask that you  find Sirius, it's nearly a full moon he'll be with Remus." He continues and I start to get the gist of what he's saying.

" Grimmauld place, they'll stay close there, tell them Arthur Weasley is gravely injured." He says quickly, I nod " Take the Weasley's with you." he says a pleading look in his eye.

I nod turning towards them and motioning for them to follow. I run down the corridor not stopping for an explanation.

Once were outside of the castle I hold my arms out " Grab on, and close your eyes." I say quickly. They do as I say and I picture the house I visited in the summer. I feel myself hurdling through the air before we stop.

I don't hesitate I walk into the house holding the door open for the Weasley's. They walk in and I close the door transfiguring and listening for signs of Sirius. I hear a howl and run in that direction.

I spot the black wolf and stop, he turns to me and I shift back. " Arthur Weasley's been injured, the Weasley's are back at Grimmauld place." I say quickly a panicked tone echoing in my voice.

He nods and runs towards the house. I apparate back running through the castle quietly as I can. I pass Snape dragging Harry down a stairwell. I pause for a second shooting him a questioning look before he disappears.

I head back up to Dumbledore's office pushing the door open. He looks up expectantly and I nod " They're safe with Sirius." I say sounding slightly winded.

He nods " Thank you, Elliana." he says calmly. 

I nod " anytime." I take a deep breath " What's going on?" I ask curiously. 

He smiles " In due time Miss Locke, you'll get your explanation," He says calmly " But for now, go get some rest." he says gesturing to the door. I don't bother arguing with him. If he say's I'll get an explanation later, then I will. I bid him goodnight and head for the Dungeons.

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