Clues and screeches.

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We crowd into the arena and I head for the champions tent. I enter ignoring a glare from Karkaroff.

I look around the impressive tent, before my eyes land on Vik. I surge towards him with a grin on my face. He gives me what looks like a nervous smile, but trying to hide the nerves to no avail. I shake my head moving forward and putting my hands on his shoulders.

" Good luck, not that you need it." I say with a laugh, he nods " Thankyou," I give him a  quick hug. I go to turn but see Hermione throw herself at Harry, I grin at them as a flash goes off. Hermione, Viktor and I turn to the flash as well as the other champions.

I glare at Rita Skeeter as she stares in awe at Harry and Hermione. she gasps " Young love," she says her voice portraying the false awe currently on her face. Hermione releases Harry and they look at her with startled expressions. 

I glance at Viktor from my spot leaning against a post. He's sitting on a cot with his hands clenched into fists.

Rita sighs walking towards them, " How," she draws out a dramatic pause as a man with a camera follows her through the room. ", stirring." she says with a wicked smile pointing to a floating quill. I watch the faces of the champions go from confused to angry.

Viktor stands with a cold expression on his face, and I follow him mirroring it. " You have no business here," He says sternly and she turns to him with the same wicked smile. He looks past her to Hermione then back to her " And friends."

She looks him up and down in what I assume is supposed to be a seductive manner. A look of disgust comes over my face as she steps towards him.

" No matter," she says as the feather of her quill trails along his jawline " We've got what we want." the camera flashes again and she starts to walk, but stops beside me.

She smiles " Miss Locke is it?" I stare at her coldly but nod, " I'd love an interview." she says tilting her head. I scoff stepping closer to her " The Locke name will not graze your, gossip column." I say raising an eyebrow.

She smirks " Oh but it did two year ago." she says smugly, I smirk at her " But only what I wanted you too see." I say innocently. She frowns looking me up and down before turning away.

Dumbledore enters the tent " Champions gather round please, You've waited, you've wondered and at last the moment has arrived." he says proudly. I turn to Hermione nodding towards the door. She nods but is stopped by Dumbledore putting an arm around her.

" The moment only four of you can fully appreciate." He looks around the tent then to me then Hermione then back to me. I smile as his gaze lingers, " What are you doing here Miss Locke, Miss Granger?" I smirk slightly.

I walk towards Hermione gripping her hand " Sorry, we'll just go." she says awkwardly and I pull her through the door.

I giggle as we get further from the tent, " Wow, that woman is absurd." I say and Hermione laughs. " You do realize that'll be in tomorrows paper right?" Her face goes white and she frowns, " You think so?" I nod. She groans dragging her palms across her face, I laugh " Come on, our boy will kill us if he doesn't see us in the stand." 

She raises an eyebrow " Our boy?" I roll my eyes " Please like you don't know who I'm talking about." I say with a smirk. She blushes, I can't be the only one that noticed Vik's constant glances towards her.


Fleur manages to get the golden egg from the dragon, singing  her skirt while doing so.

Cedric before her managed quite easily, although he too left with quite a few injuries. The dragon had seared half his face and he was taken to Madam Pomfrey.

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