Bringing back memories.

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Seventeen years after Hogwarts.

" Where are we going Mum?" Archer asks as we wander through diagon alley.

I glance over at Draco, who's walking beside me holding Scorpius's hand. Zenith walks beside me, his hand laced with mine as he glares at the other kids milling about.

" Olivanders." Draco says excitedly. 

I turn to smile at him and he grins back at me.

We had both been so excited to take the boys to get their wands. I was curious what wand each of them would get, seeing as it showed their character.

I've studied wandlore on my spare time and it was honestly quite interesting. It was quite amusing to be able to look at someone's wand and know exactly who they were.

I push the door open, motioning Archer inside first. I put my foot out to hold it nudging Zenith inside and releasing his hand, making his glare fall into a frown.

Draco holds his arm out, reaching behind my shoulder to hold the door for me.

I smile " I was trying to hold it for you." I say lightly.

He smiles " I know, but I wanted to do it." he says with a shrug.

I roll my eyes as I walk into the store, Draco fallowing in after me. His hand slips into mine and he squeezes it gently as we watch our boys walk up to the counter.

" Hi Hi!" Archer yells, a wide smile on his face.

" bell, Idiot." Zenith replies, ringing the bell on the desk.

" Zenith." I say sternly, narrowing my eyes at him.

He looks at me with a bored expression " Elliana." he says mocking my tone. Draco snorts beside me and I smack his chest, glaring at him.

He rubs his chest clearing his throat " Ahem, Zenith, that is no way to ta-"

" The Malfoy family, how wonderful, I've been waiting for this one." Mr. Olivander says, appearing from the back and cutting off Draco.

I smile at him as he looks over at me with a smile. He looks at the boys for a minute with his hand on his chin, trying to judge them

" How old are you?" Archer asks out of the blue.

Draco smacks him in the back of the head " Hey, don't be rude." he says sternly.

Archer rubs his head, turning to him " I'm just curious." he says calmly.

Olivander laughs " Old." he replies with wide eyes. He walks into the back to look around, leaving us to stand and wait.

I turn to Draco " I'm excited." I whisper, my tone showing my excitement.

He chuckles " Me too." he says quietly, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

Scorpius looks up at us curiously " Why are we whispering?" he whispers.

His face breaks out into a smile and we both laugh.

" Ah, here try this one." He says, suddenly reappearing at the desk with an arm full of wand boxes.

Archer takes it and gives it a swirl, making wands fall off the shelf.

" AH, I'm sorry!" He says quickly, setting the wand on the desk. I laugh and he turns to glare at me making Draco laugh to.

He pulls out another wand and hands it to him, a curious look on his face.

He hesitantly waves it and the tip of it lights up, casting a blinding glow around the shop.

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