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A/N: Double aesthetic cause I liked the quote😌🖤

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A/N: Double aesthetic cause I liked the quote😌🖤

" What?" I ask in disbelief. She looks down again, nodding slowly to herself.

I let out a shaky breath, dragging my hands down the side of my face. If Harry was a horcrux then that means he has to die, not only does he have to die, he has to die first.

Once he's gone, there will be nothing left.

Of course there would be no horcruxes left, besides the snake, unless they've killed it already that is. I didn't exactly have a way of knowing, for all I know Voldemort could be in Hogwarts at this very moment.

There will be no hope.

Without Harry would people even try to fight? Would Hermione and Ron just give up if he died? Or would they keep fighting in memory of the boy who lived, giving his life to give them a chance. Surely they would still fight back, wouldn't they?

" Where did you hear this?" I ask in a demanding tone.

" He said it himself." She replies, her voice quiet and broken. I watch her for a moment as she stares out at the castle, a thousand thoughts flashing through her eyes.

I nod " I have to go, Snape needs me, but I'm going to talk to Potter about this." I say quickly.

She turns to me with wide eyes " You're going to tell him?" she questions frantically. I nod swiftly, she walks forward grabbing my arm " Ellie you can't, he'll kill you, you know how he is he'll find out somehow." she says in a panicked tone.

I frown at her " I have to warn him." I say firmly, turning away from her. I look out towards the Hogwarts grounds, thinking of a place for them to be that's secluded. I don't think he'd go to the dark forest, but it would be somewhere with less commotion, somewhere safe and hidden away.

My eyes lock in on the boat house, where the boats the first years ride in normally dock. It was secluded and away from the action. It was a good place to start is what it was, so I'd check that our first.

I head in that direction " Find Draco, tell him you're with us, play your part and keep low, don't mess with the order members." I call over my shoulder.

I had no way of knowing if Bella would tell Voldemort what I said. She could just run to him and tattle for her own benefit and I'd be none the wiser. But I'm choosing to trust her, if it comes back to bit me in the arse that's on me.

 I continue down the hill, before stopping abruptly and turning to her " Don't tell anyone about my Animagus, it's undocumented." I say calmly.


I had transfigured back as to not be recognized if I did come across them, heading for the boat house. As I near it I hear the sound of quiet footsteps. I tread carefully towards the entrance, watching for anyone who might linger outside.

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