The Beginning, Of A New Beginning.

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A/N: Sorry, I had too ^^✋😭

He looks up then, straight into Voldemort's crimson eyes with a look of pure rage " But you will, because you're wrong!" I see Voldemort's face light up in amusement " Harry's heart did beat for us, for all of us!"

" It's not over!" He shouts.

At this moment two things happen. Neville reaches into the hat and pulls from it the sword of Gryffindor. At the same time, Harry rolls from Hagrids arms, landing on the floor and getting up with and jolting upright.

" Confringo." He shouts, his wand pointed at Nagini. It bounces off of the snake, coming straight towards me. I duck down just in time, the death eaters behind me being knocked back.

I look up to Harry running and Voldemort sending curse after curse after him.

All around me death eaters are apparating, trying to escape while they can.

" Lucius come on!" I hear Narcissa shout. I turn to see Narcissa dragging Draco away by his hand, down the bridge. I look to Lucius as he stands looking out at the scene in utter confusion.

I walk swiftly towards him, grabbing his arm and dragging him towards his family. I shove him roughly towards them and he looks at me with furrowed brows.

" Go to Locke manor, you'll be safe there." I say quickly as he looks at me with concern " The manor is surrounded by enchantments, no one can get in unless they have me or Draco just go." I say, my tone rushed as I look back at the students fleeing into the castle.

Draco steps forward " I gave my wand to Potter I can-" I cut him off " You don't need it, just go I need to find Bella." I say quickly.

He frowns at me, glancing back at him parents. They look between the two of us before starting to walk down the bridge.

Draco turns to me and I smile gently " Be safe." I say calmly.

He reaches out his hand and I grab it, him pulling me closer the moment I do. His arms wrap around me " I'm not leaving you." he says, his tone worried.

I wrap my arms around his torso, my head resting on his chest " You have to." I say calmly. He shakes his head and I squeeze him tighter " Bring them to the manor so they'll be safe okay?" I say, looking up at him.

He nods " I will." he says firmly, his eyes gazing into mine filled with pain and fear. His brows furrow slightly " Then I'm coming back to help you." he says, his tone confident.

I let out a shaky breath " If you must, but be careful." I say sternly.

He nods, looking down at me with his forehead leaned against mine. I smile gently at him and he moves closer, his lips crashing into mine. I kiss him back passionately, allowing the taste of him to invade my mouth and his scent to well up in my nose where I hope it will stay.

I pull away after a minute, smiling at him before I turn to walk away " Be careful El." he says softly.

" I will." I say firmly, heading towards the castle. I hear the crack of apparition behind me and continue on my path.

I spot Bella off to the side, sticking to the back of the group of death eaters. I quickly walk over to her, trying to get there before she goes inside.

When I step up beside her she turns to me, I keep my face hard " Are you with me?" I ask firmly. Her eyes widen for a minute before she looks to the ground, thinking. I furrow my brows as I wait, she looks up to me and nods.

I continues into the castle " Stick with me." I say calmly. She follows closely behind me as I push through the crowd, into the hall.

I cast a protego at one of Kingsleys spells fly my way, frowning in his direction.

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