A Howler from the beyond.

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I sit through divination, not completely understanding what's going on

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I sit through divination, not completely understanding what's going on. She's talking about tea leaves, and seeing the future but all I see is crushed up tea.

Professor Trelawney is fussing over Harry's cup, I stare back down at my cup

I'm the only one of my friends in this class, I thought it would be interesting. I guess I should have taken ancient ruins instead. I frown down at my cup, not quite sure what to make of it.

I huff looking around, my eyes catching Hermione's. I turn away and scowl down at my cup, " A load of rubbish isn't it?" Hermione asks suddenly next to me. I nod " What is it even supposed to be?" I ask setting the cup down a little harder than I should.

She holds up my cup " It looks almost the same as Harry's, except it also has a cross so that means." she looks down at her book " Trials and suffering." she frowns.

" Great. an omen of death, And  I'm going to suffer!" I laugh. grabbing the cup and staring into it.

" Don't worry Ellie, It doesn't mean right now. It could be farther in the future!" Ron says with what I'm sure is supposed to be a reassuring smile. " Gee thanks Ron, That's reassuring." I say rolling my eyes.

 " What a load of rubbish." she looks up at me with a roll of her eyes " you can say that again." I say  smirking.


I walk to care for magical creature by myself, Hermione Ron and Harry ahead of me.

We stand outside of Hagrid's hut waiting for everyone to arrive. I spot my friends heading down in a group just as Hagrid appears out of his hut.

" That's it come on now, come closer, less talking if you don't mind." Hagrid smiles motioning everyone forward, " I've got a real treat for you today, A great lesson Follow me."

I follow the group towards the forest hearing the boys bickering behind me. Someone wraps an arm around my shoulder and I smile finding myself looking up at Draco.

We follow Hagrid to what looks like a paddock, He asks us to open our books. To which Draco sarcastically asked how we would do that which lead to us stroking the spines of our books. Draco looking a little surprised it worked, Neville however isn't having the best luck and his book gets the upper hand.

Hagrid wonders off to get our 'treat' " Just wait until my father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes." Draco scoffs rolling his eyes at Blaise who snickers.

" Shut up, Malfoy" Harry says surprising me, " ooh hoo hoo hooo" Draco hands his bag to Crabbe taking slow deliberate steps towards him.

Draco suddenly goes rigid looking up at the sky with mock terror, " Dementor! Dementor!" he shouts pointing to the sky, Harry whips around looking up and I stifle a laugh.

Draco backs up re joining his friends, they pull their hoods up and wiggle their fingers towards Harry " OOooOOooh." I roll my eyes as they burst into laughter.

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