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I did not enjoy the so called 'Bonfire', but then again who could? 

Watching the burrow go down in flames was absolutely terrible. The warm feeling it had, now turned into actual warmth as I stand before it. 

I have no clue why I was here, she hadn't told me anything. Just that the Dark Lord had wanted me there. I couldn't help the feeling that he knew I had visited them that day. That, that, and that alone was the reason the burrow was currently in flames.

But how could he have known? I hadn't told anyone where I was going, not even Draco.

It was gut-wrenching, seeing Molly's face from the safety of the tall grass. She looked absolutely heartbroken as she watched from afar. Seeing Harry run after Bellatrix, and Ginny run after him. Her horrid chanting that Harry couldn't resist, as she led him right into their trap. Right where we were all waiting, like a lamb to the slaughter.

The silence was eerie, her chants having cut off when she had him where she wanted. The look on Ginny's face when Fenrir Greyback appeared before her. In all his disgusting glory, the child eater himself right in front of her. The shouts of the others, and the sounds of the tall grass being pushed aside as they ran.

There was a shift behind me. 

I turned around coming face to face with Tonks, recognizable by our brief meeting this morning. She stopped her wand pointed right at my head, and her brows furrowed. I didn't make a move to lift mine, just clutching it tightly in my hand. If I really needed to, I didn't need my wand for a protego.

She looked slightly confused, not sure why I wasn't fighting back. Her brows unfurrowed as she looked me over. The expression on her face seeming both hurt and confused.

I didn't want her to think I'd betrayed them, so I did not so much as move. I heard blasts ring out behind me, and turned to find the source. That was when I felt her wand press against the back of my head.

For a moment I was sure she was either going to kill me or worse. But I held my ground staring off into the tall grass, towards the small marsh in front of us. I could see Ginny and Harry fending off spells in front of me. But I knew I couldn't help him, not if the plan was going to work.

I held my hands out to my side, after tucking my wand in my skirt. She made no move, nor casted any spell. She stayed there not sure what to do with me, her wand still pointed at my head. Before Lupin's voice rang out somewhere to our right, and she ran that direction.

I grabbed my wand from my pocket, transfiguring and running off into the grass. I watched it play out from a safe distance. Under the cover of the tall grass and my undocumented Animagus, at least by anyone here.


It was a test, I passed.

I walk through the halls, pretending nothing happened, pretending I wasn't there. 

I ghosted through the halls like I wasn't really there, which in a way I wasn't. Just a ghostly shell of the person I once was. It was going to happen soon I could feel it in the air, time was rushed. Though no real success was made over the holidays, it was still close. We were almost finished with the cabinet, and in a way I was relieved.

Draco and I had been spending most our time in the room of requirements. Multiple times over and over we tried to send things back and forth. The objects came back fine, we were yet to test living ones.

Last week we swapped out Slughorn's bottle of wine for Dumbledore, with a poisoned one. We had hoped it would get rid of our current problem. If he was dead Snape could just take over immediately without the death eaters. Then we wouldn't need the cabinet, but it didn't work.

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