Truth and Friendship

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"you can't dare me to tell you something," I say with a smirk, He thinks for a second then grins "Fine." he furrows his brows "I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room" He grins at me triumphantly " What?, no way!" I say sticking my tongue out at him, he rolls his eyes and the group laughs " why not? afraid you'll hurt Draco's feelings?" he mocks a pouty face. I laugh "Please, if anything Blaise you'd go home heartbroken" Draco says grinning, I shoot a glance at Daphne and she's laughing and looking at me eagerly; she too is curious who I'd pick.

"Fine " I sigh I look to my left taking in the two boys I sigh loudly and Daphne laughs behind me, I stand up walking to stand before the two of them Draco sitting on the bed and Blaise leaning against the post, I step closer to Blaise and my Breath hitches I stand on my tippy toes, reaching up to grab his chin and pulling his face down to mine. I hesitate teasing him and then gently place my lips on his, his lips are warm and he moves them against mine and I reciprocate, and  I stay there for a moment before pulling away I see Blaise's eyes widen and I turn slowly, winking at a mopey Draco He scoffs crossing his arms.

I sit back down on my bed next to Daphne and Grin, she giggles at Blaise's reaction. He clears his throat and sits down on the bed next to Draco, who's still scowling at the floor. Daphne leans closer to whisper in my ear "I knew it!" I laugh.

In all honesty, I wanted to kiss Draco... but at the same time I wanted to mess with him that way he'd never suspect a thing. I offer Draco a reassuring smile and his face lightens slightly he winks at me and I giggle making him grin.

Nothing much happens that night I was the only one who was dared to kiss anyone, I still can't believe I actually went through with it. I would've found a way around it somehow but I didn't feel the need to do so.


"I'll be back" I say walking out of the tent , and strolling to the tree I had climbed earlier sliding down the trunk and putting my head in my hands. I sit like this for a few minutes thinking of my mother who's currently home alone with the elves, what if something happens while I'm not there? what if Binx tortures her cat again, I'm sure Mori is capable of handling It but still I worry about useless things.

I hear foot steps approaching but I ignore them "Ellie, what are you doing?" Draco asks tilting his head. "nothing " I say,  He sits down beside me and I smile at him. absently I lean my head on his shoulder not thinking anything of it. "what's Hogwarts like? " I ask curiously, he shifts in his spot and looks over at me He seems to think for a moment "It's magical " he says with a smile I laugh "Hm, you don't say?" I grin and add "who would've thought?' he laughs. "As much as I appreciate your sarcasm- " he rolls his eyes "I'm serious it really is but then again it's school so..." he trails off -in other words it's boring- . I smile and stare up at the moon , He clears his throat " let's head back in shall we?" he stands and offers his hand I take it and he pulls me up and we walk back to the tent.


When I wake up Daphne is sprawled across the bed, with me nearly falling off I laugh and sit up. Blaise and Draco take up the two beds in the middle, Goyle is asleep on the last bed with Crabbe curled up on the floor. I walk to the table  and whisper for Mori, He appears a second later with a small pile of papers, He hands them to me "for you to sign." he states and I sigh He disappears leaving me with my work. swiftly I read through the papers signing them as I go, while waiting patiently for the others to awake.

I'm about five pages through looking over the buildings Mori had included for a fashion salon, I roll my eyes ever since I told him about my idea he's been shoving listings and designers at me. I hear someone stir behind me and I turn around to see Draco rolling over and hearing Blaise's soft snore, I smile and withhold a giggle. I return to my papers getting halfway through when I hear someone sit up behind me, I turn to see Draco sitting up and taking in his friends with a laugh my eyes meet his and I see a spark of joy in them as he throws me a lopsided smile. I swear my heart melts like wax when he smiles at me, I set my quill down and smile back. then turn back to the table

"Good morning," he says suddenly standing right behind me looking over my shoulder "what are you doing?" he asks politely curiosity in his beautiful eyes. I frown " Unfortunately, I still have to work on the business" I say politely, grabbing my quill again and signing a paper "Oh," he says sitting beside me " what work are you doing?" he asks curiously, "right now?" I ask and he nods "signing a contract for a location in Paris, I'm hoping to start a small clothing store there." I say smiling at him, He smiles back " like where you can showcase your own designs?" I nod, he thinks for a second "can- can I see your designs?" I grin and nod at him reaching into the small bag I had sitting on the table I pull out my light blue  book; it has gold designs like branches of a willow reaching inward from the corners with my initials on it surrounded by a crest with snakes and roses and other smaller designs, I hand it to him with a smile.

He looks through keeping his face composed, " I think you might wanna rethink that..." he says "Definitely not worth investing " he mutters keeping his face cool, I frown I thought they were pretty good I- I notice the smirk fighting it's way onto his lips and I grab my book and smack him with it, "You jerk I thought you were serious you just about crushed my dreams " He laughs and I can't help laughing along. I hear stirring behind us and we both turn to look at Blaise who's sitting up glaring at us I smirk, " can you guy's quiet down I'm trying to sleep" he groans falling back and I giggle at him. "Watch this" I say Draco looks at me curiously as I grab my book, I wait to hear the soft snores of him sleeping and then chuck my book at him, it hits him on the forehead and he jumps up glaring at me I burst out laughing and Draco joins in.

"That's it!" he yells and runs over grabbing me around the waist and lifting me up off my seat I squeal " Blaise put me down!" I hiss "Nope" he says shifting my body so that I'm now hanging over his shoulder - curse my tininess!- I frown punching at his back Crabbe and Goyle are awake now and watching us, Daphne still sound asleep Blaise walks over and throws me half on top of Daphne She groans sitting up and glaring at me and Blaise. I almost feel like changing my mind and telling him to carry me as far away from Daphne as possible, Cause if looks could kill... I'd be a goner for sure.

I glare at Blaise then turn to Daphne " Sorry Daph " I say an apologetic smile on my face, she rolls her eyes at me. I swat at Blaise as I get up and return to my work, I finish up quickly and call for Mori handing the signed papers. and turning to smile at the group.

A house elf appears and snaps his fingers and Breakfast is placed before us on the table, Crabbe and Goyle rush over and Daphne comes to sit next to me smiling. I look through the assortment of pastries fruits and other delicacies, I scoop up some raspberries, blackberries and strawberries placing them on my plate along with a croissant from one of the other trays. I keep quiet as I listen to everyone talk about their summer and where they went, Blaise went to Italy where he apparently did some modeling and embarrassed himself in front of 'a cute little Italian girl', Daphne went to Paris and did some 'serious shopping' Crabbe and Goyle went to some Cayman island and Draco stayed home.

I take In the people laughing and smiling around me and decide I like where I'm currently at, It feels as though I've known them for years and I can't help smiling. Yes these are people I wouldn't mind spending my days in Hogwarts with, they're not strangers anymore they're my friends. I smile at the sound of that I like being able to say these people are my friends and I'll never stop liking it.

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