Slug Club!

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" You did what?" I question, not quite sure if I heard him right. We're walking back to Hogwarts from Hogsmeade, Trudging through the ankle deep snow. it's the weekend and Draco had insisted we go to Hogsmeade. But I caught him telling Blaise he was staying at Hogwarts earlier, so I guess to find out it's part of his plan isn't a surprise.

He turns to me, brows furrowed " I gave Katie Bell a cursed necklace, if I'm lucky she'll do what I told her and bring it to Dumbledore." he explains calmly, " Task complete." he says with a shrug.

I roll my eyes " And if Katie decides to tell?" I ask raising an eyebrow. My mind goes through all the different things that could happen. He could get expelled, or sent to Azkaban for trying to curse Dumbledore.

He shakes his head " She won't even remember, as soon as she hands it to Dumbledore she'll forget." he says confidently.

" And how do you know that?." I question.

He frowns " because I used the imperious curse on her, she won't know a thing." he says confidently. My mouth literally falls open, this is worse definitely worse. They could see he used an unforgivable and just throw him in Azkaban. Lucius isn't here to protect him from the ministry anymore.

He rolls his eyes at me, reaching out his hand and I take it. My expression full of worry as, I place my free hand on his arm and walk alongside him. I lean my head on his shoulder, his jacket heating the side of my face. 

We get to the castle and run into Blaise, who looks annoyed. I raise an eyebrow at him and he rolls his eyes stopping in front of us. " Slughorn told me to extend an invitation to you, he's hosting a dinner party." He shoots an apologetic look at Draco " Select students, sorry mate." he says flatly.

I scoff " Ridiculous, when?" I ask. I'm not particularly fond of Slughorn, he's a good person but he's absolutely ridiculous. To be throwing parties when everyone knows a war is approaching is beyond my understanding.

He nods " next week." he cringes slightly " I already told him we'd be there." he says quietly.

I raise an eyebrow " Did you now?" I say in disbelief. I groan throwing my head back in frustration " Okay fine I'll go then." I say with a shrug.  Honestly what's the worse that could happen. If anything it will just help my mark to be there and be part of his little club, I've heard so much about.


I glare at Blaise as he walks into my room. He gives me a lazy smile, looking me up and down. Blaise and I decided to head to the dinner together. So I've been waiting for him to be done getting ready. 

And I swear to merlin this boy takes longer than Daphne, and that's saying something.

He's wearing a black suit and black dress shirt underneath with a black tie, he looks dashing. " Ready to go?" He questions, his tone casual sounding.

I scoff " I've been ready for the past hour." I say, my tone teasing. It's unbelievable the amount of time he spends getting ready. In all my years of going to different occasions together I've always been the one waiting for him. Missus Zabini and I like to make jokes about it every now and then.

He rolls his eyes " it doesn't start for another ten minutes anyway, and it would have been worth it even if we'd have been late." he says standing in front of the mirror and tilting his head from side to side.

" Hello there." He says winking at himself in the mirror. I laugh standing and grabbing his hand to pull him out the door.

I wore my hair half up half down, with a few loose curls hanging down .I did a smokey eye look for my make up. And added a swipe of red lip gloss as well as a little bit of blush.

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