,Or four?

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I sit in the stands next to Draco, Aris and Viktor on the other side of me. Aris teased me relentlessly throughout the day after he caught Draco and I. And this morning I had to deal with Viktor's teasing as well after Aris had told him.

" Hush, sit down!" Dumbledore calls everyone settling in their seats and quieting as soon as the words are out of his mouth. " And now the moment you've all been waiting for, The champion selection!" he calls as he dims the lights with a wave of his hand.

I grip Draco's hand and turn to Aris to do the same, I nod towards Viktor and he grins. We watch eagerly as the flame turns pink, before spitting out a piece of parchment.

Dumbledore catches it looking down at it for a moment. " The Durmstrang Champion, Viktor Krum!" Viktor punches his fist in the air and the boys around us break into cheers, clapping his back and high-fiving him. I release Aris's hand and reach over to give Viktor a fist bump, He grins bumping my fist and standing.

He walks to Dumbledore who shakes his hand, and gestures for him to go through the doors. We watch him leave and then Dumbledore turns to the goblet again.

It turns pink and spits out another name, " The champion for Beaux batons is, Fleur Delacour!" The girls break out in cheers the rest of the hall claps. Fleur leaves after shaking Dumbledore's hand just like Viktor did.

The flame turns pink again and I lean forward in anticipation. " The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!" The hall erupts in cheers, a few people whistle. Cedric approaches Dumbledore shaking his hand and leaving the hall.

" Excellent! We now have our three champions!" He shouts over the noise, I grin over at Draco and he returns it.

" But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this Chalice of champions, This vessel of victory The Triwizard cup!" He calls out gesturing  behind him, a man pulls a sheet off. To reveal a Transparent silver and blue trophy that, quite literally, glows.

I took around at the hall as it comes to life once more. I narrow my eyes at the goblet as it turns pink again. I bump Draco's shoulder with my own nodding to the goblet. The flames dance around before it spits out another name.

I turn to Aris " Is it supposed to do that?" he shrugs, " There's only supposed to be three champions." he says narrowing his eyes at the goblet.

Dumbledore mumbles something, and automatically I assume I must have misheard him. He looks up to the crowd his expression angry " Harry Potter!" at that the hall falls silent. I turn to where the Gryffindor's are in time to see Hermione shove Harry towards Dumbledore.

He walks slowly looking dazed, as if he's not entirely sure what was happening. Dumbledore practically shoves his name at him, Harry turns looking to the crowd as he walks through the aisle. I catch his eyes for a second, but it's enough to see the terror within them.

" He's a cheat!" someone shouts, " He's not even seventeen yet!" another says. He awkwardly walks towards the door, McGonagall placing a hand on his shoulder as he passes her. And despite what people may think, I swear I see genuine concern in Snape's eyes.


I jog alongside Viktor and Aris, my black long sleeve drawing in the heat the wind wouldn't allow. I've been helping Viktor along with Aris, in Viktor's training. They slow down as they reach the trees in the distance.

" Stretch now?" I ask quietly, they nod and I sit on the ground as I stretch out my legs. They copy my movements, and I look past them to the black lake.

Nothing much has happened since the champion selection. Many people were upset about Harry competing. Then again he didn't really have a choice. Viktor had explained to us about the binding contract. Meaning if Harry were to not participate the punishment would be severe.

" Ellie!" I look up to my name, Aris rolls his eyes " quit zoning out, come on let's head back." I nod standing up and following after them.

I had only been working with Vik and Alex for a few days. But already I felt better getting out and doing something. My Mothers death still fresh in my head, the very thought making me sick. 

I slow down falling behind them as we near the bridge. People pass shooting us glances and congratulating Vik. I roll my eyes keeping an emotionless expression on my face. Aris falls into step beside me, slowing slightly.

" Joining us for lunch?" he questions hope lacing his tone, I shake my head. He rolls his eyes
" Dinner then?" I groan scowling at him " Fine, if it'll make you leave me alone." I hiss. He grins
" It will indeed," I hear Vik laugh in front of me.

 I hadn't been attending meals, due to the recent letters sent from Lucius about certain events. And that I had a lot to to with the family business. I also barely slept, preferring to keep the nightmares away.

I also haven't talked to Daphne in over a month, it's nothing personal. I'm simply trying to weave myself out of her life so she doesn't get hurt. However any attempt to escape Blaise was futile. Ever since I cut off Daphne, he'd been sticking close. His reasoning being all the extra boys wandering about, and needing to protect his 'sister'.

I didn't mind being referred to as his sister, it felt right. So I allowed him to stay close, but still at a distance.

We reach the castle and I walk silently through the corridors with them. Splitting off when they make a turn for the great hall, much to Aris's displeasure.


I wander the corridors as I recite the incantation in my head 'fidelius fidelius fidelius'. It was a charm that concealed secrets, and I had a lot to conceal.

I think quickly wishing I had a concealed place to think, somewhere I could let my frustration out. I groan as I pass a blank wall in the corridor. I see a shift out of the corner of my eye.

Hold on, I whip back around a small door standing where the blank wall once was. I look around the corridor before walking towards the door.

I open it and to my surprise, it's exactly what I needed. The floor is covered in some sort of thick mat. Along the walls are large bags hanging from the ceiling. I step into the room shutting the door and it vanishes. I gasp touching my hand to the wall, the doorknob appears again.

I turn back to the room where a couch now sits in the middle. The whole room decorated in grey tapestries. I shrug my sweater off and throw it on the couch.

I smile walking over to one of the bags and pushing it, it swings ever so slightly. I look to my left noticing a rack that holds what looks like quidditch gloves. I shrug pulling on a pair and positioning myself in front of the bag.

I shake my hands out before holding them in front of me, I blow out a breathe and swing for the bag.


I missed dinner, and it's past curfew. So I silently sneak back to the common room.

I pause when I hear Snape's voice, hiding in the shadows of a corner. His steps become louder as he nears my hiding spot. I had hoped not to run into anyone, but this was pretty much worse case scenario.

I tense as his Lumos lights up my corner slightly, but he passes. I wait for him to be far away and continue my sneaking about.

I arrive in the common room with a sigh flopping down on the couch. Which I wouldn't have done if anyone had been here, but seeing as it's clear.

I look down at my knuckles which are red and no doubt going to swell. I sigh holding up my wand " Episkey." the red skin calms and I breath a sigh of relief. I look around the now dark common room, the only light being the warm glow of the fireplace.

I stand stretching out my arms and head to my dorm. When I walk in I look to Daphne sleeping peacefully, noting her slightly swollen eyes and tear streaked cheeks. I wave my wand over her nightstand, a rose appearing as I do so. She truly was a good friend and I would never wish any kind of sadness on her. But it's the only thing I can currently do to protect her. Whether he liked it or not, Blaise would be next.

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