Tea Time.

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One snowball fight later and were back in the common room, my head on Draco's lap, and an icy glare from Parkinson. 

Blaise and Daphne are across from us, while Crabbe and Goyle are sitting opposite the fireplace. I don't listen to what they're saying. Instead I have Draco's hand in mine, tracing my finger over the lines on his palm.

" Ellie?" I hear Daphne ask, I don't look over to her " Hm?" I say. She doesn't answer right away, so I look over to her, keeping Draco's hand in mine.

" What about Potter?" She asks curiously, I feel Draco tense underneath me. 

I roll my eyes as his hand clenches into a fist, " What about him?" I ask attempting to smooth out his fingers. She looks between me and Draco with a curious look. I smile at her and she returns it not saying anything else.

I look back up to Draco as he glares into the distance. I laugh lightly, he shifts his gaze to me, I bring his hand towards my face and plant a kiss on his 'M' ring. I assumed it would send him a message, and it did cause his face relaxes into a smirk.

I return to tracing his palms, while listening to Blaise go on about Umbridge's rules. It's getting ridiculous, there's got to be at least fifty of them by now, all hanging proudly in front of the great hall.

Someone clears their throat behind me, drawing my attention from Draco to him. I turn to see one of the first years," Ellie." he says holding his hand out, a bright pink envelope clutched in his fingers. I smile sitting up and taking the envelope from his hand. My smile quickly fading when I notice the words carved onto the back of his hand.

I must not disobey my superiors.

" Umbridge asked me to give this to you." he says quietly looking down at the floor and holding his inured hand with his other one. I offer him a sad smile before opening the envelope.

Dear Miss Locke,
I ask that you please join me for tea at two o'clock tomorrow.
I have something I'd like to discuss with you. 
Don't be late!

yours truly,
Professor Umbridge

" Oh great," I mutter a humorless laugh escaping my mouth. 

Draco raises and eyebrow at me " What?" he questions.

 I roll my eyes, mocking an excited face " I have a tea party with Umbridge tomorrow." I say my tone full of sarcastic enthusiasm.

He furrow his brows and Daphne and Blaise walk over to see the letter. I hold it out to them and Blaise laughs humorlessly, Daphne just rolls her eyes moving back to the couch.

I huff " Don't be late!" I say mocking Umbridge's bitter sweet voice. They laugh at my perfect impression, and I roll my eyes.


I knock on the door of Umbridge's office, waiting impatiently for her to answer or open the door. " Come in!" Her voice rings out. 

I open the door slowly stopping in my tracks and looking around the room. The walls have been painted a bright pink as well as everything else being themed the same shade. Cat plates fill up a whole wall of her office, they mew and purr as I enter.

Umbridge looks up at the clock with a bright smile " Exactly two o'clock on the dot," she says excitedly " If I didn't know better I'd say you did this to spite me." she says turning to me with a smile.

She's right of course, but I'm not going to tell her that. I smile brightly at her " Of course not Professor," I say sweetly and she tilts her head slightly, waiting for an explanation. It's a good thing I had thought of one on the way here or I'd have been screwed.

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