New Beginning

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I don't honestly know why I  agreed to go to Hogwarts when my mother had asked, it could be that she never normally asks anything from me

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I don't honestly know why I  agreed to go to Hogwarts when my mother had asked, it could be that she never normally asks anything from me. or that she wore the same tired look on her face that she's been wearing since my father died.

    Regardless I agreed, I desperately wanted to please her, it wasn't much fun at our "home" anyway. 

I say it like this because since my father had been... gone, our house hasn't been as happy let alone the people inside it, yes I did my best when it came to the business, and taking care of my mother, but it felt really lonely in our house. I had always prided the respect our name had and our manor but, I never quite felt at home here anymore.

I was surprised when the letter came for Hogwarts, however I didn't dare argue. So here I am a week before I start school in second year carefully folding my clothes and placing them in my trunk. 

I hadn't even noticed by house elf Mori enter the room I was too busy chucking my books into my trunk whilst mumbling curses to myself at the thought of leaving.

He clears his throat "Mistress Ellie?" 

I let out a groan "What Mori, I haven't got time to listen to whatever problems Binx is causing" normally  Mori wouldn't bother me while I was in my room unless Binx one of the other house elves was causing problems amongst the elves. 

"I have a letter for you Miss Ellie, it's from Lucius. I thought best not keep him waiting with your reply?" I sigh and hold my hand out for the letter. 

" Oh and Miss Ellie?" 

I look over at him "hm?" he looks away, not meeting my eyes.   

" Binx is tormenting the Mistresses cat" he says and then scurries off.

I groan "BINX!" I yell he doesn't answer, I rush downstairs to save my mothers beloved cat from the clutches of the terribly annoying creature that is Binx.

once I managed to rescue my mothers cat by placing a binding spell on Binx I carry the white cat placing her carefully on my mothers bed where she lays staring at the ceiling, I pause and look up seeing nothing interesting then returning to my room.

I take a look at the fluffy black cretin that is Nebulus, my cat, sprawled on my bed like he owns it and cant help but giggle. I sit down beside him and he puts his head on my lap meaning for me to pet it, I sigh stroking between his ears and open the letter.

its an invitation to the Malfoy manor for a party, My mother and father had always attended these parties together whilst I stayed home cared for by the elves, and kept from the prying eyes of the other families. My father had not wanted me in the spotlight that followed our family, so he kept me away from public events.

I didn't mind I preferred to stay in my room too and hear about the events after as my father explained the whole event to me, who was there, what it was about, why mother was upset with father after - it was always because he teased her for being a Ravenclaw in the midst of the snake pit that was these events-, he would tell me about his friends - mainly Lucius - and their families. 

I knew much of the Malfoy family however I hadn't met any of the family till my father got sick, And even then I had only met Lucius. If I'm being honest at first my fathers bestfriend scared me but after a while I learned to look up to him like I once had my father.

I stare down at the invitation, it's addressed to me and my mother stating my name first on the envelope then mine and my mothers both on the letter it self.

Dear, Elliana and Adria Locke,

Our family would be Honored to have you at our annual end of summer party.   Seeing as you will be attending Hogwarts This year I have taken the liberty to invite a few select students and their parents for you to meet pending your arrival. Draco is quite excited to finally have a chance to meet you, And we really do hope you attend this year and are waiting anxiously for your reply.

yours truly,                                                                                                                                                                                     Lucius Malfoy

I was not used to receiving these letters I didn't quite know how to respond, Should I go? Was I supposed to go? 

Was this letter supposed to be for my mother? Would father want me to go? 

That last one sticks in my head, yes he would want me to go in his place I doubt my mother will go though.

I stop to think.  Yes I will attend and depending on whether or not my mother is lively that day ill drag her along, I walk to my desk, much to Nebulus's displeasure and  write Lucius back.

Dear Lucius,

Thankyou for your offer, I would be honored to attend your party.                                                         Though I cannot speak for my mother, I assure you I will try my best to persuade her to attend. I am very much looking forward to meeting the students you mentioned in your letter. I am delighted to hear of Draco's excitement, And am truly excited to finally meet him and I look forward to seeing you again.

Warm Regards,                                                                                                                                                                             Elliana Locke.

And with that I push away from my desk, "what have I agreed to" I say with a sigh, then pull myself back to my desk, retrieve some grey wax from my desk drawer melting it on a candle.

 I grab a satin looking white envelope from another drawer and fold the parchment gently placing it inside and walking over to my balcony grabbing a small white flower and placing it in the envelope, unlike my family I favored the light airiness of pale colors such as grey and white envelopes and waxes to seal my letters always placing a small white flower inside every letter I write, it's my way of signing off and I rather enjoyed the way the letters smelled when kept with the small but fragrant white flowers. 

I whistle for my owl and he appears glowing white in the dark sky, I hold my arm out and he lands, "Hello, Zen"  I coo his piercing blue eyes stare into mine and I smile placing him on the railing of the balcony "Do you mind bringing this to Lucius at Malfoy manor for me?" I question he gently grabs the letter and fly's off.

I throw a few more books in my bag and then look through catalogues trying to figure out what in merlin's name I'm supposed to wear to this party, I sigh and close the catalogue.

I change into my pajamas and climb into my bed and eventually, I drift off.

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