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" No way Harry!" Ron Protests, " she's a Slytherin! she'll just tell her master." My smirk falls, was he talking about Draco? " Ron I'm sure she won't tell Malfoy, just give her a chance." I smile at him, then turn to scowl at Weasley. " Draco isn't my master." I hiss. " and I don't need to tell him anything, nor will I." I glare at him " sure he's not, harry, we can't trust her." I roll my eyes at him stepping closer so my face is and inch away from his " listen here Weasley, Draco won't know what he doesn't need to." I hiss. 

He steps back nodding " fine! but this doesn't mean I trust you!" I smirk at him. " Well I do." I turn to harry, he nods at me and I do the same.


" here it is " I look over Hermione's shoulder; I had followed them to the library where she had looked for whatever she was looking for. My eyes widen " A Polyjuice potion?" I ask grinning at her she nods turning to the boys. " the polyjuice potion allows one to turn into another." Ron's eye's widen. " you mean if harry and I drink that we'll turn into Crabbe and Goyle?!" he asks shocked. Crabbe and Goyle? why would anyone want to turn into Crabbe and Goyle?

" if I might ask, why do you want to turn into Crabbe and Goyle?" I question raising an eyebrow, something feels off about this. " To get answers Ellie, to see if Draco is the heir of Slytherin." I frown at Harry's words, yep somethings definitely off. " you don't need a polyjuice potion to know that, Draco would tell me if he were the heir of Slytherin." I say shaking my head.

" well he's the closest thing to it, his family has been in Slytherin for years it makes sense!" Ron adds, I frown at him. he's not entirely wrong. Hermione looks at us worried " It'll be tricky, I've never seen such a complicated potion " she narrows her eye's at the book, I sigh " I can brew it," they all look at me " I've brewed it before, hand it here." I hold my hand out for the book.
 " you've brewed it before?" Hermione questions I nod " with my father. It'll take a month though." I look at the pages, " A month?!" Harry raises his brows at me, I nod.

" Ellie, if Malfoy is the heir of Slytherin he could attack half the muggle-born's in the school by then" He narrows his eye's at me, I glare at him. I know Draco's not the heir, but if he's not then who is? " what do you expect harry, for me to have polyjuice already brewing for you?" I hiss closing the book " It'll take time " I hand the book back to Hermione. he frowns at me, " She's right harry," Hermione says looking at the book and shooting me a worried look. " I'll go raid the potions room." she says and I sigh walking away.

" Ellie wait!" I keep walking, Harry appears  beside me grabbing my arm and turning me to face him. " Be honest with me, did you hear it?" at first I'm confused by his question, but then I remember he's talking about the whispering. " what do you mean?" I say keeping my face composed and my voice calm, I didn't hear anything; I tell myself. " You know what I mean!" he says in a loud whisper before looking around and lowering his voice. " the whispering you heard it, I saw your reaction." he states. 

I think for a second " Harry are you feeling alright?" I press a hand to his forehead pretending to check his temperature. " I'm fine, don't play dumb." he swats my hand away. " Honestly Potter you really shouldn't go around talking about hearing voices." I turn away, " I didn't say it was a voice." I turn towards him there's a mere difference between the words but he managed to catch it.
I give him a confused look before shrugging nonchalantly and walking away.


I watch Draco as he flies out of a small room and into the pitch, our whole house is screaming and whooping and waving flags with our house crest on them. I grin at Draco, I pull out my wand and write ' catch the snitch, or I'll kill you ' in the air in front of me. He laughs as he flies by me, winking. I roll my eyes, and turn to the stands glancing at Lucius, he's already looking at me I smile at him and he smiles back; it seems genuine.

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