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I pace back and forth in my room, still processing everything that has just happened. We let the death eaters in, Snape killed Dumbledore. Okay, Bellatrix knows about me and Draco, the dark mark now looms over Hogwarts. I just became an honorary death eater because of some stupid plan some werewolf cooked up.

Maybe I'm going crazy, I really hope not. I've seen Bella, I don't want to end up like her or my Mother. Maybe I'm not going crazy, I still know what I'm doing. If I am going crazy than I'm not too far gone yet.

I look over myself in the mirror. The months of no sleep and missing meals to fix that stupid cabinet has had an impact, not just on me but on Draco too.

Neither of us have been able to sleep since that night. I wasn't even there and I still have nightmares. Draco is even worse, he's been pulled into more meetings, worse ones. They weren't happy about Snape taking his place and killing Dumbledore.

They weren't mad at Snape of course, they were mad at Draco. Not that they did anything, but they didn't hesitate to show it. Even Bella and Lucius had laid into him when we got home a week ago. Narcissa and I had watched, her hand squeezing mine.

My bedroom door opens and I turn to see who it is. With the events happening I'm glad to say Aris moved back with his father. So I don't have to worry about him finding out anymore. Death eaters don't dare come near the Locke manor.

Harry hadn't told anyone I was there that night. Which kept the Locke family in good light, we would not be ruined by me.

I see Draco, peeking in the door and I let out a sigh of relief. He's been at the Locke manor more than his own. It's still brimming with death eaters, him and Bella had done a switch. So now he practically lives her and she lives in his room.

I wasn't sad to see her go.

I smile at him, closing the distance between us and pulling him into a hug. he wraps his arms around my shoulders, his chin resting on my head. I nuzzle my head into his chest, breathing in his scent.

he places a gentle kiss on my forehead, grabbing my hand and leading me to my bed. He lays back pulling me down beside him. His arm wraps around my back as I lay my head on his chest, crossing one of my legs over his. He lets out a sigh of content, wrapping his other arm around me and squeezing me tight.


I walk into Malfoy Manor, we're supposed to have a meeting about our next move. As I walk up the steps the door opens behind me. I turn to see Snape, hesitating as he narrows his eyes at me.

I raise an eyebrow at him, and he starts to walk again. When he catches up to me on the stairs I begin to walk.

I came late to the meeting because they had me patrolling Potter's muggle house. To make sure the order wasn't making any moves for his escape. I was to give them any piece of information I had received or anything I'd seen in this meeting.

I catch Snape glancing over at me every once in awhile. I roll my eyes, Okay I'll admit I may have went a little scissor crazy. I had cut my hair so it hangs down just to the nape of my neck. I was also wearing a long black cloak, with a black dress underneath. I'll admit, I look like a death eater.

I walk into the room not hesitating, even when I see the woman hovering over the table. Or Lucius back at the table in the seat across from mine. I had already know he was out, just waiting for the right time to reappear.

I walk with my chin high and my back straight like I was taught to. Attempting to make it look like nothing bothered me. I pull my chair out taking a seat and crossing my legs.

He looks to me, I take in a breath " As far as I could see there was no order members around the house. Unless they're hiding inside, he's alone with the muggles." I say emotionlessly.

Talking With Snakes||D.MWhere stories live. Discover now