Something in common.

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I don't go far just to the trees across from the houses. I carry my wand in my mouth as I pace back and forth.

I let out a low whimper and curl up under a tree. I let the thoughts run through my head. Surely Lucius would tell me if my father was a death eater. Unless he was trying to protect me? No he would have told me.

Why would everyone have praised him if he was a death eater. Maybe they had it wrong, maybe they were lying.

The man I knew was not a death eater. He was far too kind, he never so much as raised his voice. He never got angry, he didn't even have the muggle born bias most purebloods have. He was genuinely okay with everyone, as he raised me to be too.

I hear the leaves rustle as footsteps approach. I don't bother looking up, I can smell Sirius from here.

" Stuck?" he asks referring to my wolf form, I growl covering my eye's with my tail. I hear the leaves shift beside me as he takes a seat.

" It's new information for everyone," He begins his tone reassuring, My ears perk up and he chuckles. 

" Severus," he pauses correcting himself " I mean Snape, brought it to our attention yesterday." he says his voice calm, but full of pity. I lift my head to look at him, He gives me a reassuring smile. I huff picturing my human form and transfiguring back, leaning against the tree.

" Makes for a cool party trick doesn't it?" he says with a wide smile. 

I laugh " Or a dramatic exit." I retort. He chuckles lightly at my comment.

" All they wish to know, is where you stand." He says his tone cautious and laced with curiosity. I roll my eyes, of course they do, doesn't everyone?

He takes in my reaction his brows furrowing slightly, but relaxing as quick as they came.

I scoff " You and just about, everyone else." I admit. His eyes widen and I see a hint of panic, maybe terror. I should probably say something before he jumps to conclusions. But instead I stay silent, I get the feeling it's best, letting him think to himself for a moment.

He swallows thickly, about five minutes later. " And what have you said?" He asks, his voice not quite as steady as it once was.

" That were staying neutral," I say sighing before I continue " Lucius told me that's what my Father had done, I guess he was lying." I say my tone free of any emotion at the statement. There would be plenty of emotion next time I saw Lucius.

He nods understanding, " Very well," the smile returns to his face. I offer him a small one back, He seems to hate this conversation as much as I do.

He opens his mouth to say something. But the sound of footsteps catches both our attention.

" Hello Harry," Sirius says cheerfully, " Come, sit with us." he says motioning for him to sit beside him. He takes a seat and his eyes wander to mine. Full of curiosity and excitement with a slight bit of worry, though he's trying to hide it. I know what he sees in mine, nothing absolutely devoid of emotion like I'd taught myself to do.

Sirius looks at Harry and then back to me. He smiles brightly standing up and turning to look at us. 

I look at him confused tilting my head slightly. Is he about to lecture me, I swear to merlin. If he lectures me about the dark lord in front of Harry. He doesn't speak, just looks between the both of us.

" I'll leave you two," he says smirking and walking away. I look after him, this time the confusion evident on my face. I look to Harry to see if he has the answers, but he looks as clueless as me.

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