The Ministry.

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Seeing as they haven't noticed me yet I have the advantage. I was seated above the entrance so when Potter walked in he hadn't seen me. The only one who knew I was here was Mafalda even the other man Mr. Cattermole hadn't yet noticed.

Mafalda desperately taps Potter's shoulder trying to get his attention. She shoots glances at me as I stand from my seat.

He spins around looking annoyed " What Hermione!" he shouts. I throw my legs over the railing and hop down to block the entrance. I'll admit, a quite difficult thing to do in a skirt.

He turns to the sound of the 'Thud' my feet made as I landed. I offer him a snake-like smile while he stares at me dumbstruck.

" Well Hello Potter," I say in a sinister tone, after all I do have to act the part. His eyes widen as I look to Mafalda and Reginald " Granger and Weasley I assume." I say nodding to them. They give each other worried glances.

Harry turns back looking me dead in the eyes " Look Ellie, I don't want to hurt you, but I will let us go." he says in a stern voice. I know he's trying to give me a chance and all, but is he not at least going to try? I'm trying to make it realistic here it would help if he would help out a little. Ah but alas he doesn't know, right I have to remember that one.

I tilt my head my lips in a pout " That's adorable, I really thought more of you Potter." I say, twiddling my wand.

He scoffs " Ellie I know you don't want to do this." he says softly. I raise an eyebrow at him, he lowers his wand " Come with us, we can work together I know you don't really agree with them. You're a good person, you shouldn't be helping them. You don't want to do this, so come with us." he says, almost pleading.

I cringe, before composing my face into a smile and stepping forward " No," I say shaking my head " But I have really been wanting to do this." I say pointing my wand at the ceiling. The misty shield above us starts to disappear, revealing hundreds of dementors behind it. They creep out as I look back at Potter, a horrified expression on his face.

I watch as he gets chased by the dementors, barely making the elevator. I see Yaxley getting up and play it out " Dammit! what good are those stupid dementors!" I hiss, surging towards the elevators. He lets our a furious growling sound as he runs after me.

We make the elevator and hit the button for the main lobby. Yaxley ignores me the whole time in the elevator. I think he might be a bit suspicious after what happened, but he can take it up with Voldemort if he wants. Not like he's gonna do anything.

When we get there we follow the whispers of Potters name. News spreads like wild fire and soon I see the guards chasing after them. I kick off my shoes, accioing them and stuffing them in my bag. I'm faster than Yaxley and I see them just a few feet ahead of me.

A paper flies into my face and I tear it off, it's a wanted poster of Potter, how ironic. I toss it to the side as I see a bunch more fly towards Yaxley. I'm right behind Granger, I can almost reach out and grab her. I reach my hand out, so close.

I reach out again and grip her collar, pulling her to a stop. She squeals as I pull her back " Harry!" she calls. He turns around as I pull her towards me, my wand at her throat. Not enough to hurt her but enough for her to get the message.

I needed to push him so he'd shoot a spell my way. Preferably knocking me out so I have a reason for not killing them right there. It wasn't the best plan I've come up with, but it will definitely work. I smile as a thought comes to mind.

Harry lifts his wand towards me " Ah, ah, ah," I say tutting my tongue. He furrows his brows in a scowl " You see I learned this new spell over the summer, I believe it's pronounced sectumsentra? maybe sempra? I believe you know what it does." His eyes widen and his body tenses, I've definitely struck a nerve.

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