Mischief Managed.

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I walk into the common room Nebulus cradles in my arms. Noticing my friends on the couch, and frowning when I see Parkinson clinging to Draco's arm. I see this girl refuses to learn, I ignore her moving to sit next to Blaise on his couch.

He looks over at me with a roll of his eyes, glancing at Parkinson. I smile at him laying Nebulus on my lap and running my fingers through his fur. I look up to Parkinson smirking at me and I mock an amused look before shooting her a very unkind hand gesture, and turning away.

Parkinson glares at me and Blaise snickers, I pull Nebulus from my lap laying back on the couch and setting him on my stomach. I play with his paws as a heated conversation starts around me.

I hear my name being said and look over with a confused look. Everyone's looking at me and I frown " What?" I ask my voice giving away my annoyance.

" Were you even listening?" Blaise asks with a scowl on his face, I shake my head " Honestly, I wasn't." I smile lightly. They roll their eyes at me " What?" I ask again this time my brows furrowing.

Draco glares at me trying to tug his arm from Parkinson. I swipe my hand focusing on her and she's flung to the other side on the couch. They look at me in surprise " Okay. What did I miss?" I question.

" I'm getting revenge on that bloody chicken of yours," He grins, I sit up almost knocking Nebulus off my lap. " What?" I question raising an eyebrow, " My father gave me the news today, They're putting that beast down." He shrugs " So it can't hurt anyone else."

This draws me back and I glare at him " He only hurt you because you disrespected him." I say through clenched teeth, he rolls his eyes " He's dangerous. he needs to be put down." he looks at me intensely for a second judging my mood.

I stand placing Nebulus on the couch before turning to him " He was perfectly fine with me." I spit before walking out of the common room.


I wander through the halls, after curfew. I don't need my wand to see my eyes have adjusted my now.

I'm still mad about Buckbeak, he's a good animal really. If Draco had just listened to Hagrid, he would have been fine. He doesn't deserve what they're going to do to him.

A light at the end of the hall catches my attention, " Ellie?" the voice asks I step closer my eyes adjusting to the light. " Harry?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"What are yo-" he interrupts my question " I could ask you the same thing." he furrows his brows. " I just heard about Buckbeak," I frown " Draco told me so I'm rebelling." I say smiling lightly and he returns it.

" What about you?" I ask curiously, he looks at the map in his hands " Do you know anything about Peter Pettigrew?". I don't know why he's asking me this " The name is familiar." I say walking over to him and looking down at the map in his hands.

My eyes widen when I see Peter Pettigrew walking towards us. How was this possible? My father had known Peter Pettigrew, but he was supposed to be dead? " How?" I turn to Harry, he shrugs " He's supposed to be dead." I nod.

We look around us as he approaches, seeing nothing. I look down at the parchment My eyes widen and I point to the paper " Snape." I hiss lowly. I turn to walk away as Harry closes the map and turns off his light.

Another light appears as I turn around the corner, barely making it. I breathe a sigh of relief, when I hear Snape's voice drawl out.

" Potter,  What are you doing wandering the corridors at night." there's a pause as Harry thinks of something. " I was sleep walking." he replies, I muffle the laugh that tries to escape.

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