I'll admit...

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We walk out of the great hall, down the length of the bridge. I see his eyes light up in curiosity as the figures of the trio appear in the distance.

I glance at him with furrowed brows as I see Harry climb up onto the railing. He mimics my expression almost exactly and we both walk a little faster towards them.

" Potter, of all the times I wanted you dead, you lived, but now that you've won now's the time to yeet yourself off a bridge?" Draco says, his tone slightly amused by his own comment.

Harry rolls his eyes " Shut it Malfoy." he says, but his tone is no where's near bitter.

I shake my head at the two of them " But really Harry, what are you doing?" I question. He glances at Hermione with a look that seems unsure.

Ron lets out a huff, walking towards me " Bloody Moron just threw the elder wand down into the deep." he says, his tone bitter.

I turn to Harry with wide eyes " I also broke it in half." he says with a smirk.

My mouth drops open and I stare at him in disbelief " You what?" I ask. Why the hell would he want to get rid of the elder wand? Yes technically it was his but he could've just kept it for safe keeping, he didn't even have to use it.

He hops off the railing " No one deserves that type of power, it's better off down there." he says with a shrug " Besides, it's mine, I get to choose what happens to it." he says with a smug look.

I sigh " I guess I can't argue with that." I say with a roll of my eyes, making them laugh.

" So what's the plan now?" Hermione asks, lacing her hand with Ron's as we walk down the bridge. I wiggle my eyebrows at her and she blushes, looking off to the ground, her cheeks a violent red.

" Now we live, we graduate and we try to move on." Harry says calmly.

Draco stops and turns to him " Some of us can't exactly move on just yet." he says in a sad tone. Harry furrows his brows and he sighs " The ministry will come for me," he says, looking over at me " They'll probably want to send me to azkaban." he says quietly.

I frown at him " You know I won't let that happen." I say firmly. His eyes soften and he reaches for my hand, I interlock our fingers and he squeezes gently.

" I won't either," Harry says, Draco turning to him when he does " You may have been in the wrong place in the beginning but you chose right in the end, Nothing will happen to you." he says " I'll vouch for you." he says, laughing lightly. 

I smile at him, turning back to Draco " See, Harry's on your side, you'll be alright." I say calmly. I lift my hand to brush his hair out of his eyes and he grabs it, holding it to the side of his face and sighing.

He releases it and turns to Harry " Thank you." he says calmly. Harry nods and we all start back towards the castle again.

I wrap my free arm around Draco's, leaning my head on his shoulder " Did you guys see Filch? I ask, my tone amused.

Ron scoffs " Bloody moron, what's he gonna do with a broom." he says, sounding amused.

Hermione smacks his arm and he scowls at her " At least he's trying, it's going to take a long time to rebuild." she says sadly, her eyes on the castle.

I frown " I suppose I could help, I'm sure my elves wouldn't mind helping out." I say brightly.

Hermione's brows furrow and the boys glance at each other in concern " You're just gonna make them do it?" she asks furiously. I glance at the boys and they blush in embarrassment " Elves have rights too, as a member of S.P.E.W I have to-"

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