
433 9 4

Ahoy there.

*Smut Warning*

 I will put another warning before it starts so you guys can skip it, it's not really relevant to the story. Nothing important is said.

Three years after Hogwarts.

" Miss. Locke," I turn to the door with a wide smile, seeing Cara my assistant. She smiles " Mr. Malfoy called, he says Mr. Potter requested your presence at his manor for dinner tonight." she says, her voice laced with excitement.

I smile " Tell him I'll finish up as soon as I can and meet him at home." I say politely. She nods, smiling at me as she goes.

I watch her leave, shutting the door behind her. When she's gone I let out a sigh of relief, my smile fading.

I push off from my desk, dragging my hands down the side of my face. My eyes linger on the stack of listings on my desk, some in the muggle world some in Diagon alley.

I was supposed to be looking for a new place to set up a shop but I couldn't decide. My mind was elsewhere, on Draco as it often was.

He's been acting weird lately, sneaking around the house. Blaise says he's fine but my mind can't help but drift to the worst of things, as it always does.

It made sense that he was busy of course, he was still going to school after all. He was training to be a mediwizard and of course I was extremely proud of him, but I rarely saw him anymore. It was starting to frustrate me and with everything going on with the business it was too much.

I was still going to college of course, but I was also trying to build up Locke enterprises. Since the war I've started numerous new branches in all different areas.

I even made a deal with Fred (Ghost) and George for a joke shop. He ran the whole thing while I funded it, it was a fair deal in my opinion. It also helped George to get his mind off things, which is why I didn't think twice when he asked.

We've become close with Harry over the last two years. It wasn't a choice really, I think we all just bonded over the experience.

I walk over to the window of my office, looking out at the view.  The streets on London seemed so far down from here, people wandering about on their way to work or leisure. I don't think the view from up here would ever grow old.

There's a knock at the door and I turn " Come in." I say calmly.

The door opens and Cara peeks her head in " Um, Mrs. Weasley is here." she says calmly.

I smile " Let her in." I say calmly.

She nods, standing off to the side and holding the door open. I smile at Molly as she walks into the room with Teddy Lupin at her side.

He beams at me " Ellie!" he exclaims, making me smile.

" Teddy, nice to see you again." I say calmly.

Over the years Teddy lived with his grandmother Andromeda, but he was always visiting Harry. Sometimes when Harry's busy I get to babysit him, it's the least I could do.

He waddles over to me for a hug and I pick him up, crushing him in a bear hug. He laughs " How are you today?" I ask sweetly.

He smiles holding his hand out to me, a red lollipop clutched tightly in it " Lolli." he says excitedly.

I smile brightly " Did Cara give you that?" I ask, shooting her a smile. He nods, tugging at the wrapper before sticking the whole thing in his mouth, still wrapped.

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