Family is what matters.

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Six years and one month, after Hogwarts.

" Luna, what are you doing?" I ask curiously.

She smiles widely at me from her spot perched on the counter top " Nothing, just watching." she says sweetly. I raise an eyebrow at her and she just smiles wider at me.

" Okay?" I say skeptically, turning away to throw a tray of cookies in the oven. She swings her legs back and forth as she watches me " You sure you're okay?" I ask curiously.

She nods " Are you?" she questions with a giggle, making me raise my eyebrows in confusion. 

She hops off the counter " When's Mallory coming?" she asks curiously.

I tilt my head curiously, before shaking off my suspicion " In an hour, she'll love your cookies Luna." I say smiling at her.

She nods " Aris should be here soon, we should talk." she says softly.

I turn to her, furrowing my brows " Are you guys okay?" I ask calmly.

She laughs " No, you and me silly." she says, tapping me on the nose.

I sigh " Luna, I love you, you're like the best friend I could ask for... but you're confusing me." I say with a laugh.

The doorbell rings and I glance at her one last time before heading out. I walk through the foyer as the doorbell rings several more times in a row. 

I laugh lightly as I open the door " Mallory," I greet with a smile.

She smiles widely at me " Ellie!" she says, waddling over to give me a hug. I pick her up and her arms wrap around my neck " Luna?" she questions.

I scoff " Am I not good enough for you?" I ask, setting her down so she can run to Luna.

" No." she says sweetly.

My mouth drops open, making Theo laugh behind me. I turn to him and he laughs harder at my shocked expression.

I look to Daphne " Your daughter spends too much time with her Father." I grumble, walking back to the kitchen as she laughs.

I pull the cookies out of the oven and toss them onto the counter. 

I hear them all enter the kitchen after me, as well as Mallory squeal. 

I hear her little feet stomping across the floor as she waddles over.

" Cookie." She says, reaching for them.

I walk over, grapping around her waist and pulling her back " No, hot, we have to wait." I say lightly. 

She frowns, thinking for a moment before outstretching her hand towards the cookie. It lifts off the tray, floating through the air towards her. 

Theo and Daphne stare wide eyed and I smile brightly at them.

She reaches for the cookie, but I grab it first. She looks up at me with a look of pure disappointment.

I roll my eyes and pick her up, seating her in a chair. I grab a plastic plate and set it in front of her, setting the cookie on it.

" Watch." I say softly, she looks at me curiously. 

I smile at her, lifting my wand, cold steam falling off the tip and onto the cookie.

I pick it up, breaking off a piece and handing it to her " There, no hot." I say calmly. She looks over the cookie with a smile.

" You do remember that's MY, child, right?" Daphne says from behind me, her tone amused.

I smile " I might just steal her." I say teasingly.

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