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" Alaster Moody, ex-order Ministry of malcontent." he says as he throws the chalk on the table beside him. " And your new defense against the dark arts teacher, I am here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story. Goodbye!"  he looks around the class " Any questions?"

The room stays silent, I roll my eyes leaning forward on my elbow. I fiddle with my quill, staring at the desk in front of me. My eyes wandering over the jars with different insects and small creatures in them.

" Which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" I turn to look at him. I'm curious as to why were talking about the unforgivable curses. " There are three, Sir" Hermione says her voice straining to stay polite.

" And they are so named?" He questions writing on the chalkboard, " Because they are unforgivable, The use of any one of them will-"-" Earn you a one way trip, to Azkaban." He says finishing her sentence.

I risk a glance at Draco, who's already looking at me. If it weren't for Lucius I'd probably be in Azkaban right now. He didn't tell me how he had covered it up. all I know is the ministry never showed up. Even after I'd received a letter from them, giving me a date and location of a hearing, Lucius fixed that too. So in other words, it's like it didn't happen.

" The ministry says your too young to know what these curses do." he says turning and pointing his chalk at us. " I say different!" he yells and I jump slightly. " You need to know what your against, you need to be prepared, you need to find another place to stick your chewing gum, Besides the underside of your desk Mr. Finnegan!" he yells not turning from the chalkboard.

I don't hear what he says, But next thing I know Moody is throwing chalk at him. " And hear across classrooms!"

Draco turns to me snickering, I give him a slight smile. My mind still on unforgivable curses. I see Ron stand out of the corner of my eye, muttering something as he does. Moody walks to the table with the jars and pulls a small spider-like creature out of it.

" Imperio!" he says and the creature leaps onto Crabbe, My eyes widen. Padma laughs and it jumps on to her arm. A few people begin to laugh around me, as it moves to Ron sitting on his head.

Draco starts laughing beside me and I grin at him, " What are you laughing at!" Moody yells throwing the spider at him. He freaks out his eyes wide as he jumps around in his seat. 

He turns to me " Get it off!" I stare at him wide eyed watching the creature move around. He fans at his face turning to look at Crabbe and Goyle " Get it off!" Moody moves the creature off of him.

" Many witches and wizards swore they only did you know who's bidding, under the use of the imperius curse. But how do we sort out the liars?" He questions eyeing up the whole room.

" Alright give me the next curse." He looks around the room, pointing at Neville " The Cruciatus curse." he says quietly. " Ah yes, come on, tickle your nasty." he says motioning for Neville to follow him.

I watch as he cruciates the poor creature. my face distorting in disgust. " Stop!" Hermione calls " Can't you see your bothering him?" she scolds. He glances at Neville, the boys face shriveled up in pain.

 He turns to her walking towards her desk and setting the spider on it " Perhaps you can give us the last unforgivable curse, Miss. Granger." He says calmly. she shakes her head.

" No, hm?" he says to her looking around the class, he meets my eye " Miss. Locke?". I stare at him blankly for a moment before sighing and looking down at my desk " Avada Kedavra." I say my tone just as calm as his.

He points his wand at the creature and with no effort repeats my words " Avada Kedavra."
The creature curls up in itself before becoming still.


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