Following through.

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" Hello Cissy, Ellie." She coos taking a seat beside us and slouching over the table " What are we talking about?" she asks curiously. Narcissa looks panicked trying to think of what to say. I smile at Bella and say the first thing that pops into my head.

" Draco." I say calmly, Narcissa looking relieved when I do. Something flashes across her eyes as I mention him and I see it as pure adoration.

Bella's smile widens as she grabs a tea cup " Of course you were, I saw you two that night at Hogwarts." she says smugly. I try to fight the blush that threatens to creep onto my cheeks. It only makes her grin wider " You two are cute, don't worry." she says with a shrug.

Narcissa's brows furrow " You saw what?" she says her lip in a slight pout.

Bella chuckles breaking a cookie in half " They were holding hands," she says with a shrug. She grins " It was adorable." she admits in a quiet voice. I blush looking down at my cup, swishing around the liquid before taking a sip. At this moment I wish I were at Blaise's, but instead of tea it was firewhiskey from one of his stashes.

Narcissa beams at me " Awe, now I wish I were there." she pouts. I give her a questioning look furrowing my brows. She laughs " Under different circumstances of course." she adds, smiling at me. 

She looks to Bella " Didn't Draco say he was going to Locke Manor for protection detail?" she questions, referring to Bella's old job.

She snorts " Protection detail my as-"-" Excuse me ladies." Lucius's voice rings out behind us. We all turn to him with confused expressions.

He's frowning as he turns to me " Pius sent an owl, I went to your manor but you weren't there. Surprisingly I did find your cousins, as well as Zabini and Nott." he says, sounding disappointed.

I laugh " They came to check in, they were supposed to be gone by tonight." I say calmly. I go to sip my tea and then it hits me and my eyes widen " You weren't seen were you?" I ask panicked. Narcissa looks to her husband with a suspicious look. Bella busies herself with a cookie, completely ignoring Lucius. From what I've seen she doesn't really like him.

If any one of them saw the Lucius Malfoy at my manor they'd flip. Forget seeing Draco, that would be nothing compared to seeing Lucius. They'd know for sure and I'd be dead and they could seriously hurt Lucius too. What would they think of me if I were to have death eaters in my house. I'd be dead for sure.

He shakes his head swiftly " No, I was cautious just... surprised." he says, narrowing his eyes.

I shrug " What did Pius need?" I question, returning to the subject. I know it's just Lucius but I didn't feel like discussing my cousins with him. Or the group of boys currently staying at my house and what might be going through his head.

He shakes out his head and folds his arms behind him " He says you are needed at the Ministry in the morning. You do have to keep up appearances after all, it it part of your job." he says sternly. I nod to myself as he continues " He wants you to oversee the muggle-born trials while you are there. He says you seem to be the most tolerable." he says, sounding annoyed by the statement.

I roll my eyes " It's called human decency Lucius," I say making him roll his eyes at me " and you can tell him I said that." I say with a smile. He smirks slightly and I stand from my seat so I can leave.

Narcissa grabs my arm " We'll finish our discussion later." she says excitedly. Bella laughs at her excitement and Lucius gives us a questioning look.


I got up early this morning, careful not to wake Draco. Then began to ruffle through my closet for something to wear. I end up in a dark grey blouse, with silver buttons. It's loose fitting and tucks into my skirt which clings to my hips and cuts off above my knee. It has a modest slit down the side of it that starts halfway to my knee. I also wear a pair of tall black heels. My regular rings on my fingers and My silver necklace dangling loosely from my neck, I still haven't taken it off.

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