That's my Girl.

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A/N: Have y'all seen that movie^^ not where I got the title but it's sooooo good.

I flip through the pages of the book impatiently looking for answers. I've been here for the last two hours and I still can't figure it out. Everything is here, his notes, his ideas but they aren't coherent. They don't make up one idea, it's a mess of theories and hypotheses. None of it actually makes sense to me.

I sit back in the chair in my Fathers study, I had hoped to find something here. However I've come up empty after reading and searching through every one of his books. If I was being honest I was annoyed by the fact that I had almost nothing. I had the spell but I didn't have a clue how to use it or if it would work.

I let out a groan of frustration throwing my head back against the chair. I hear the door creak open and I lift my head to the noise.

Draco stands at the door with a small smile on his face. I return the smile and push off from the chair. He stands outside of the door and waits for me to go to him. I kind of feel bad about it, that he doesn't even dare walk in. Not that he wouldn't dare if he really wanted to I know he would but it's sweeet that he doesn't.

I smile at him as he pulls me into a hug wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I sigh in content wrapping my arms tight around his torso. It's been so long since I've seen him, I almost forgot what he smelt like. Now his scent consumes me and I feel more at home than I ever could've before.

Being with him felt like home and I was glad to be home for the time being. I wish he could have come to Hogwarts with me, but given the situation he couldn't. Even if he had wanted to I don't think it would've been as welcoming as it was before, then again it never really was.

" Hi." He says softly into my hair.

I smile against his chest " Hi." I say quietly looking up at him. He smiles down at me and raises a hand to brush a strand of hair behind my ear " I missed you." I say quietly.

He sighs pulling me closer and squeezing me tight " I missed you too." he says calmly.

For a minute we just stand there quietly just holding each other. It had been far too long since I've seen him. All I wanted to do was stay here and have him hold me in his arms, having him hold me together.

" Why aren't you at Hogwarts?" he asks curiously making me sigh.

I don't know exactly what to tell him and I don't want him to think I'm crazy. I couldn't lose him to my own sanity or lack there of. I didn't want to lie to him though, and have him lose his trust in me. So instead I decide to tell him, well, part of it at least.

I release my arms and grab his hand pulling him into the study after me. He follows willingly and I stop by my Fathers desk grabbing the book. I turn to him and his eyes are scanning the walls with a curious expression on his face. 

I wait for him to turn back to me and when he does I hand him the book. He looks down at it for a moment reading over the pages. His eyes widen as he looks down at it, he glances up at me before looking back down. He flips the book over and his eyes wander over the initials on the back written in elegant script.

His brows furrow " E.L?" he questions glancing up at me.

I lean forward to look at the initials with a sigh " My Father." I say calmly. He nods and looks back to the pages, his eyes scanning them as he flips through. I watch him closely as he reads through the page with the resurrection spell again.

He looks up " Does it work?" he asks curiously, I shrug and he frowns. He glances back down " Refocillo?" he questions reading the incantation.

I nod walking to look at the book " It means resurrect in latin." I say calmly.

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