Alliance, for now.

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I storm into the common room my face still in a scowl, one of the fifth years turn to me  " Would you look at that, I heard someone lost their temper today." he smirks at me and I turn scowling, "The Little princess isn't so calm and collected is she?" he's grinning now and without a second thought I pull a book from my bag and chuck it at his head, he ducks and it hits the hall behind him falling to the floor with a thud, he's no longer smirking. He scowls at me and I storm off to my dorm; slamming the door shut.

I walk over to my bed but stop short when I feel a pair of eyes on me, I whip around " honestly Parkinson, at this point you'd be better off hanging out with whoever petrified my cat " I say scowling at her.  She looks at me curiously before shrugging and leaving the room.

I turn to the door and waving my wand and pointing at it and it locks. I throw myself onto my bed, I stare up at the canopy and sigh. Today is not necessarily the best day thank merlin it will be over soon.

I'm trying to ignore it but I can't help the thoughts that flood into my head, What was that whispering? Am I going crazy and why did Harry seem so shocked that I had heard it? surely Draco could too and Blaise they just didn't have time to mention it. I frown does it have something to do with the chamber of secrets? what even is the chamber of secrets, I sigh maybe they'll tell us something tomorrow...

" Alohomora " I groan, " seriously Ellie I get your tantrum, but locking me out of my own dorm " Daphne scoffs, I smirk at her " hey at least it worked for a while " she rolls her eyes at me; not amused in the slightest. I turn taking off my robe and throwing it on the bed, I loosen my tie and plop back down on my bed.

I look up when I hear a knock on our door, " Can we come in " I hear Draco's voice ask, " No " I mutter, Daphne hit's me with her pillow , " Come in " I groan flipping over so I'm face down on my pillow, someone sits on the edge of my bed I ignore them. " You okay?" his tone is concerned, I shake my head " Mothers in the hospital." I mutter into my pillow, " What's that?" he asks softly 

I lift my head from the pillow " Mothers in the hospital " I drop my head into my pillow again,
 " is that why Snape wanted to talk to you?" Daphne asks, I nod. I turn over " Except he didn't talk to me he simply brought me to his office, it was Lucius who told me " I sigh and I sense Draco stiffen " by the way, he's going to be at your quidditch game. just a heads up " Draco groans.

I look up at him and he's scowling at the floor, I nudge him with my leg and he turns " your going to do great " I reassure him and he nods. But he still looks nervous I sit up and place my hand on his shoulder smiling at him, he pats my hand and smiles back.

 Blaise laughs and I look over to him, he's made himself comfortable on Pansy's bed, " Um do you suppose we should be worried about this?" he holds up a piece of parchment ripped from a news paper. It's a picture of Draco's family, there's no title so I don't know when it's from but it looks fairly recent. there's a heart around Draco's face, I laugh wrapping my arm around his neck and rustling his hair, he makes a disgusted face swatting at my arm and Blaise laughs. " I think I'll take that." Draco says holding his hand out, " Nah I think I'll just place it back here " he grins lifting Pansy's pillow and placing it back, patting the pillow.

I laugh as Draco goes for the picture fighting with Blaise to get to it, Daphne's trying to gain her breathe back as Draco shoves Blaise off the bed and he falls to the ground laughing. Draco holds up the picture grinning Triumphantly, before tearing it to shreds and throwing it into the bin
I walk over pointing my wand at the bin  " Incendio " I watch as the paper burns to ashes and laugh.


" Can I have your attention please," I turn to the front of the class to look at Professor McGonagall looking away from the strange bird in the cage next to me and Draco's desk.
"Today we will be turning animals, into wart goblets." I raise my eyebrows at Draco, finally something interesting he mimics my expression.

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