Broken promises.

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Coming home was a bitter sweet moment. Bellatrix was absolutely nuts, but not unpleasant. She stayed in the basement, which was furnished similar to the upstairs. It was like she had her own little Locke manor.

I honestly enjoyed her company, she was an amazing witch. I found myself asking her questions about everything, she didn't seem bored or annoyed at all. She was ecstatic to be out of Azkaban which only made sense.

We head to the meeting together, since we were both expected to get there. We apparate into the Malfoy manor appearing in the foyer.

" Cissy, where are you!" she calls as she looks around the manor. I laugh as she starts to cackle, pulling me towards the dining room. Like the lunatic she is she skips over to the door, not minding the other death eaters stares.

They're staring cause one, she's laughing hysterically. And two, she has her arm linked in mine. I roll my eyes as we stop in the doorway.

" Miss me!" she calls another laugh following after. A slight smile appears on my lips, but falls when I scan the table. 

Her arm slips from mine as she heads to her seat. My eyes are still locked on Lucius's seat across from mine. The chair isn't empty like I had thought it would be. The boy hasn't noticed me yet, he's staring straight forward with an emotionless expression.

I walk towards my seat, masking my face as I do. I pull the chair away from the table taking a seat. For a moment my eyes meet his and confusion flashes through them. I turn away from him to face the dark lord.

That same night Draco is branded. The dark mark standing in stark contrast against his pale skin. I watch in masked horror as the very wizard I wished to keep him safe from, presses his wand to his forearm. The smell of burning flesh taking over the room, it would have made me cringe, were we not in the company we were.

I risk a glance in Narcissa's direction, I see tears beginning to pool in her eyes. I reach for her hand, shifting closer and squeezing it tightly. She squeezes my hand back, turning to give me a sad smile.

To Draco's credit he did not show fear, nor did he scream out in pain. The other death eaters watched with pleased expressions, it made me sick. What was even worse was the gruesome smile on Bellatrix's face.

After all was done, the dark lord turned to me. He gave me a sickening smile, I offered him a polite smile in return. He wandered closer to me, and I let go of Narcissa's hand she got the message, drifting over to her son.

" I do wish you would change your mind, you'd be of great use." He says calmly, fiddling with his wand.

I force my smile to widen " I'm sorry to disappoint, my lord." I say calmly, trying to make my voice sound apologetic.

He sighs " Do tell me if you're ever to change you're mind," he says, He raises an eyebrow " I believe you and Draco would make an excellent team." he says excitedly.

I smile but this time it's genuine " I'm sure we would." I say my tone firm.

He nods turning to stand before Draco as he explains his task. My mouth almost falls open, but I stop it. Draco has been given the mission to kill, Dumbledore. I know Draco enough to know that he could never, but there's hardly anything I could do.

He's not here because of me, he's here because of Lucius's failure. Because Lucius couldn't do something as simple as steal a prophecy from a teenage boy. His incompetence led to Draco being shoved in to redeem his family's honor.

The death eaters wander around, making conversation now that business is dealt with. I stand quietly in one corner of the room. I'm trying my best to hide my emotions, but the anger and hatred is threatening to show.

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