I'm an illusion.

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A/N: Just a btw, the story will focus mainly on the boys for the last few chapters. There will be cute moments between Draco and Ellie but the majority is her pov of the boys growing up.

I shake my head as I read through the letter from McGonagall.

Even though in first year Zenith kept getting into fights. It seemed like almost every week I got a new letter from her.

He's received more detentions in a few months than I had in my whole Hogwarts career.


I regret to inform you  your son, Zenith Malfoy, may be facing suspension.

During his six month duration at the school he has been involved in countless fights and broken numerous school rules. He claims that the fights were for good reason but from out point we just can't see the reasoning as good.

I will be sending Zenith home for the day.

I know he's different from the other students, I also know you know how to talk to him, I've seen it firsthand. 

So I must ask you to have a word with him, it would be a great shame to have to suspend him. He is a good student, his grades are impeccable, he just needs to get along with the other students.

I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours truly,
Minerva McGonagall.

p.s:  Don't be afraid to come visit me! Headmistresses orders.

I sigh quietly, setting the letter down on the table.

Draco wasn't home, he's working, which means I have to deal with this myself.

I hear the floo go off and slide off the stool to head to the living room. Passing through the foyer and peeking into the room.

Zenith is sitting on the couch with his hands on his lap, staring into the flames under the hearth.

I'll give him one thing, for all the fights he's been in he doesn't have a single scratch on his body.

I push the door open with a quiet creak and he turns at the sound.

I frown leaning against the door " Hey buddy, how's your day?" I ask softly.

He looks down at the floor " Bad." he says quietly.

I walk into the room, maneuvering around the furniture and sitting beside him.

" Why? what happened?" I ask gently, reaching out to brush his hair out of his face.

He sighs loudly " McGonagall." he says shortly.

I swallow thickly, looking off into the flames " I know, she sent me an owl." I say calmly.

I turn back to him and he stares at me sadly " Mad?" he asks.

I think for a minute, shaking my head " No, slightly disappointed, but not mad." I say gently.

" Worse." He says with a huff.

I frown, looking down at the ground with a sigh. 

I'm trying to think of what to say to him, I don't want to just straight up ask him why he fights with the other students. I don't want to upset him more than he already is.

" Archer." He says, his tone slightly panicked.

I turn to him " what about him?" I ask with furrowed brows.

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