Reunited with the Phoenix.

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I stand outside of the muggle house. I'm early by five minutes, but there's no sign of Sirius whatsoever. It's nothing special, the color scheme is dark. A staircase extends up to the door, a few windows and a small balcony on the front. I stand staring at the house, entirely confused.

I straighten out non existent creases in my jacket. The black fitted pants suit I decided to wear suddenly having uneven seams. I had decided to go for my usual look for business meetings, minus the skirt. I look at my watch again, two minutes till I'm supposed to meet Sirius.

I contemplate leaving as I fiddle with my Slytherin ring. That I had gotten prior to the yule ball, as a matching set. It goes perfectly with my snake ring, as well as the silver vine one on my right hand.

I took at my watch again, it's exactly two o'clock. I look up to a loud grinding sound. I watch the houses part, another one starts to appear, I stare curiously. Absently tugging on the end of my  high ponytail.

I've always been at awe by magic, But this is something else.

it stops moving and I walk towards the door. My high heeled boots clicking on the stones, about the only casual thing about my outfit.

I knock on the door without hesitation. After a second I can hear yelling being the door as well as footsteps. The door opens and Sirius appears with a smile on his face. I offer him a gentle smile in return.

" Come on in Ellie," he says standing to the side and motioning for me to go in. I nod stepping through the door. He closes it behind me and I turn back to face him. The house is dark and in a strange way slightly cozy.

" Your probably wondering why your here," he says his tone kind and laced with hidden curiosity, about what I don't know.

I hadn't been given any sort of explanation to why I was here. So of course I was absolutely brimming with curiosity. Why were we in this strange magic house? Why did Sirius want to meet with me, what would he want to talk about?

I just nod composing my face into a small smile. He goes to continue but stops himself eyeing something behind me. I don't turn to look instead I raise an eyebrow for him to continue.

" We'll talk later," He says with a smirk. I give him a quizzical look furrowing my brows slightly. I open my mouth to object, I'd really like this meeting to be done with so I can go see Blaise.

" What is it we need to talk about?" I question, keeping my tone light despite the frustration building. " I hate to be bothersome, but I have another meeting to get to." I say it's a lie, but he doesn't know that.

He passes me walking down the hall motioning for me to follow. I follow him and he rounds a corner to a large room and my eyes widen. I see a long table full of red heads, as well as Hermione a few others and, Harry.

" Ellie?" Harry questions looking at me surprised. Hermione in the middle of pulling him out of his chair. She must be what caught Sirius's attention earlier.

Harry's shocked look turns to a bright smile. My posture relaxes slightly and I smile back at him.

He walks over to me and I take a step down the stairs. He reaches the stairs not giving me enough time to go down, before his arms are around my waist. He lifts me off the stair leaving my feet to dangle as he takes a step back.

I wrap my arms around his neck and let out a relieved sigh. I breathe in his scent, automatically feeling comforted by it. I let my head rest on his shoulder for a moment, before he sets me on the ground.

I loosen my arms letting them fall to my sides. He grins widely at me, and I return it. For a moment I just look at him, taking in every inch. looking for signs of harm from whatever happened. Before my eyes meet his again. His bright green eyes sparkle with excitement.

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