To Conand Tower:

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"My sweet Byleth" Flayn beamed.

Byleth frowned at her, "What do you want Flayn?" Byleth sighed and put her fork down on her plate.

Flayn grinned, "I am just curious is all" she hummed then looked around them, there was no one in the dining hall that was in close proximity to them. She proceeded to lean over the table "So tell me, have you fallen for His Highness yet?" she giggled.

Heat rushed to her face, "Flayn stop it" she scolded "There are more important things to worry about" she said "We will need to face Miklan soon, I don't need to focus on pointless feelings" she concluded.

Flayn pouted, "It's not pointless Byleth" she rebutted then sighed "But I guess you have a point... This thing with Miklan is pretty serious".

Byleth nodded, "Yes, it is" she sighed.

To think... She's going to have to kill him, after all that is the punishment for stealing a Relic. Everyone knew that she doesn't understand what drove him to stealing it, Miklan can't even wield the Lance. It will be useless in his hands. What was the point? Or was it solely revenge on the Margrave Gautier and Sylvain.

There was no use dwelling on it... She'll have her chance to ask him before he... Dies by her blade.

"Professor Byleth!".

Byleth looked up and saw a young girl walking over to her, she had white hair and pink eyes. Wait... Ah. Claude mentioned her, that is Lysithea.

"Yes?" Byleth said "You are Lysithea, correct?" she asked.

The girl nodded, "Yes, I am" she said "Professor there is something I wish to speak to you about, one of your students is sending me harassing letters in regard to my crest" Lysithea said sternly.

Byleth frowned, "Linhardt?" she asked.

Lysithea nodded, "I believe so" she replied.

Byleth sighed, "I apologies Lysithea, I will speak with him on the matter and ensure he doesn't do it again" she added.

"Thank you, Professor," Lysithea said with a smile "I'll see you around" she concluded then left from the dining hall.

"Oh my, your new student seems to be trouble" Flayn mused.

Byleth sighed and shook her head, "I suppose so, I need to nip this in the bud" she declared and stood up from the dining table "I'll see you later Flayn" she sighed.

Flayn's hands slammed on the wooden table, "You get out of it this time Eisner'' she declared "But we will be discussing this eventually!" she concluded.

Not if Byleth has a say in it.

She rushed out of the dining hall in search of the green haired mage.

She had a general idea where he may be the library.

"Hello Lady Byleth" the Librarian Thomas greeted as she entered.

Byleth nodded, "Hello Tomas" she greeted "Have you by any chance seen Linhardt in here?" she asked.

The Librarian nodded, "Yes, he's asleep in the corner again" he replied.


"Thank you, Tomas," she said and walked over to the mage.

And sure enough, he was there asleep.

"Linhardt" Byleth said sternly, the mage didn't budge. "Linhardt" she said louder this time still nothing.

"LIN!" someone shouted in the library. Byleth turned and saw a blue haired student running their way. "I knew you'd be here!" the boy declared then looked to Byleth "Hey-a Professor!" he beamed "Are you trying to wake Lin up?" he asked.

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