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Everything had been fine.

Byleth and Dimitri were in the Capital by the King Regents orders, they were unhappy about it, yes. But they still complied.

It had seemed that everything was running smoothly between the set up at Garreg Mach, their war effort was just about to commence, and then...


Byleth didn't anticipate that this is how things would play out.

The King Regent...

Was found dead in the throne room.

How... Why? Who would do such a thing?

Sure, the King Regent wasn't well liked by the people, he had kept them in this war for all these years without doing a thing... But to kill the King Regent? It didn't add up.

No, this wasn't a peasant revolt.

This was something darker and more sinister.

It had to be someone in the castle, someone with high enough authority to reach the King Regent with ease... But who?

"How could this have happened?" Byleth asked quietly and looked up to Cornelia, the court mage had been the one to inform them of his assassination. Her scream ran through the castle.

Cornelia simply stared at the corpse, "You tell me" she replied coolly.

What does that mean? "Excuse me?" Byleth retorted "Just what exactly are you insinuating?" she asked.

"Where's your dear Husband?" Cornelia sneered.

Byleth frowned, she didn't know. Her and Dimitri weren't conjoined at the hip, they both had duties they needed to take care of. "Dimitri wouldn't do this, he couldn't do this," Byleth said sternly.

Cornelia chuckled, "He can't?" she hummed "You and I both know the Prince is more than capable of this" the mage hissed "That brute is more than capable of sneaking past the guards and killing his Uncle" she declared.

This wasn't good, the knights had begun to gather around them listening to Cornelia's every word.

Byleth shook her head, "No, you're wrong" she said, "Dimitri wouldn't do this, Rufus is his Uncle" she began "He would never-".

"He did" Cornelia cut her off "We both know that the Prince and his Uncle had a rocky relationship" she remarked "There is no other person in Faerghus capable of accomplishing such a feat... Well, that is aside from yourself".

She frowned, "You think I killed the King Regent?" Byleth shouted "That's absurd-".

Cornelia shook her head, "No, I don't think you killed him" she said then paused for a moment "I think you had a hand in it, you and His Highness were upset at Rufus for keeping you off the battlefield, so you both decided he had to die" she shouted "All so His Highness could become King and send this country into full blown war" she declared.

"No, you are wrong" Byleth retorted "We would never, I would never!" she declared.

Cornelia sighed and shook her head, "But you did" she hummed and turned around from Byleth "It is with a heavy heart that I say this but, seize her" Cornelia commanded "The Prince as well, lock them both in the dungeons" she declared.

The knights didn't make any advances, they looked apprehensive. "But... Lady Cornelia" one of the knights spoke up "They are the Prince and Princess, we can't just-".

"Do you wish for the King Regent's death to go unavenged?" she asked.


"I thought not," Cornelia said "Now arrest her" she commanded.

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