The Death of Sitri Eisner:

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Sitri had never expected child labor to feel so...

So excruciatingly painful.

No, based on what she had heard from all the other Women who had given birth, this... This wasn't right.

There was something wrong.

"Sitri, keep pushing" Rhea said in a stern voice, "Byleth is almost here" she added.

Sitri followed her orders, she pushed with everything she had but... Sitri was worried that wouldn't be enough, she was exhausted and didn't know how much more of this she could take.

Something is wrong.

What is wrong.

The room.

The room is too quiet.

The only noises to be heard are Sitri's grunts, and the instructions from Mother Rhea and the nun.

My Baby.

Why isn't she crying?

"Rhea" Sitri called out, "My baby" she choked out "Why isn't she crying" she sobbed.

Rhea was silent for a moment. "I- I do not know," she said.

Tears fell down Sitri's face, she closed her eyes. Rhea knew.

Rhea always knows.

Sitri gives one last hard push and all the pressure is gone.

"Congratulations" The nun said softly, Sitri picked up on the worry in her tone "It's a girl" she added.

Sitri opened her eyes, Rhea was holding her daughter.

My sweet Byleth.

Still no noise.

"Rhea" Sitri called out again "Let me hold my daughter" she cried out.

There was a look that Sitri had never seen before plastered all over Rhea's face, "I'm sorry Sitri but I can't" Rhea said.

Sitri was shaking her head, "Please Rhea, please" she sobbed "Give me Byleth" she cried out.

Rhea walked over slowly to Sitri's side and handed Sitri her daughter.

She wasn't breathing.

Sitri froze.

"I'm so sorry Sitri, but Byleth..." Rhea began but was cut off.

"Save her life" Sitri demanded.

Rhea looked down at Sitri with wide eyes, "What?" she asked.

Sitri was crying, "Please Rhea" she whimpered.

Rhea turned around to the nun, "Leave now" she commanded.

"But Rhea," the nun began.

"Now" Rhea said firmly once again, cutting off whatever objection the nun would have.

The nun stood there for a moment and she looked at Sitri with worry, "Yes, Lady Rhea" she said then left swiftly.

Rhea turned to Sitri once again, "Sitri..." she said softly "Are you sure about this?" she asked.

Sitri looked at her daughter in her arms, un-moving with a tuft of blue hair. She nodded her head, "Yes, please Rhea" she begged "Take my heart and give it to Byleth" she said.

Rhea leaned forward and placed a kiss upon Sitri's forehead, "If this is what you want then I will do it" she said softly, there were tears streaking her cheeks "But know that it brings me great sadness to do so" she added.

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