A Faerghian Tradition:

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 Byleth guided the three other children to the training grounds, she wondered how long they had known to wield any form of weapon. Is it rude to ask?

"What age did you learn to wield a blade?" Byleth asked to no one in particular.

"I just began earlier this year," Sylvain said.

Byleth nodded "And how old are you?" she asked.

"Eight!" Sylvain said excitedly and with a big goofy grin on his face.

"He started training way later than normal" Miklan said then glared at Sylvain "Because he's a precious crest baby" he spat.

The smile fell from Sylvain's face, and Byleth stopped in her tracks.

"Knock it off already Miklan," Glenn said in a stern voice.

Miklan shook his head, "You don't get it you have a crest as well" he shouted.

Glenn frowned at him, "That has nothing to do with it" he said then shook his head "You know what it's not even worth arguing with you" he sighed then turned to Byleth, "Please continue leading the way" Glenn said.

Byleth was uncertain if that was a good idea, but honestly, she didn't want to cause any further arguing so she shut up and led them to the training grounds.

"Hey there Byleth!" A loud voice called out as she entered into the training grounds, Byleth looked around and saw Cassandra walking over to her. "Aw I see you're making friends" she said "I hope you'll still have time to train with me" she added with a smile.

Byleth nodded her head, "Of course I will," she said.

Cassandra shook her head, "Oh I was only teasing" she laughed then looked over at Byleth's companions who were standing awkwardly "Oh, wait you two must be Gautier's" she said matter of factly "I know that red hair from anywhere" she added then pointed to Glenn, "And you... are a Fraldarius? I think?" she asked.

Glenn nodded, "That would be correct" he said then squinted his eyes at her "How do you know who we are?" he asked.

Cassandra laughed, "My Father is Count Charon" she said.

Glenn nodded, "I see, so you're of nobility as well" he said

Cassandra nodded, "We can talk of that another time" she said "I take you all came here to spar?" she asked.

Byleth nodded, "Yes" she said.

"Well, I'll be all of your professor then and help you train" Cassandra said, "First things first pair up" she said.

Miklan paired up with Sylvain, and Byleth with Glenn.

Miklan and Sylvain were up first.

Byleth had to admit, she feared for the younger sibling when his Brother immediately went swinging with all of his might.

Sylvain took a few hard hits from Miklan's training lance before he began to block them. And finally, he landed a hit.

Part of Byleth really wished he hadn't.

A flash of blue in a weird design emitted from Sylvain as he swung his lance. And Miklan fell to the floor, beside Byleth she heard Glenn just barely concealing his laughter.

Miklan sat there glowering at Sylvain, and Sylvain... He looked terrified.

Sylvain extended his hand out to his Brother, "I'm sorry" Sylvain said.

Miklan didn't say anything; he smacked Sylvain's hand away, then got up on his own and left from the grounds.

"What's his deal?" Cassandra said with a frown.

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