The Royal Families Departure:

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Byleth hadn't spent much time with the royal family from Faerghus, she saw them every now and then during dinner. Although she did catch the Prince on more than one occasion lingering around in the area that she had a duty in.

"Lady Byleth are you listening?" a Priest asked with a scowl on his face.

Byleth stared at him blankly for a moment, "My apologies, what did you say?" she asked.

"You messed up on the hymn today" the Priest said.

Byleth frowned, "No I didn't" she retorted "I said it all correctly and in order" she added.

The Priest shook his head, "You need to work on your pitch, it was all wrong" he huffed.

Byleth clenched her fist, he was nitpicking for something to complain about. "I see" she murmured "Perhaps you ought to lead the next one so I can see how it's done then" Byleth said through gritted teeth.

The Priest frowned, "As the next in line to be Archbishop-" he began but Byleth cut him off.

"It is my duty, yes I am aware" Byleth said sternly "How will I get it right if you refuse to show me" she added.

The priest scoffed at her and left her.

Byleth sighed, he will most definitely tell Grandmother.



Byleth looked around and saw the Prince hiding behind a pillar.

"Are you finished with your duties?" Dimitri asked in a loud whisper.

Byleth nodded, "Yes, I think so," she said.

She probably wasn't but seeing how the head priest just left to tell Lady Rhea about her disrespectful Grandchild Byleth figured she may as well take the day.

"Wanna go to the training grounds?" Dimitri asked.

Byleth nodded and led the way to the grounds.

Once there she grabbed a sword off the weapons rack, "Have you gotten your crest under control?" Byleth asked and turned to the Prince.

Dimitri lowered his gaze to the floor, "Not yet..." he murmured "I can practice with a dummy if you don't want to spar" he added.

Byleth shook her head, "It's alright" she said "We should be fine to spar".

The Prince looked up with a grin and ran to grab a weapon from the rack, and Byleth waited patiently in the rink while he made his selection.

"A lance?" Byleth questioned once Dimitri approached her.

Dimitri nodded, "Yes, my Father has been training me with them" he replied "My family's relic is a lance, so I must be proficient in them".

That made sense.

"I see" Byleth said and pointed her blade at him, "Ready?".

The Prince nodded and raised his lance, "Ready" he said.

Byleth waited for the Prince to strike, he frowned at her waiting as well.

She isn't going to take the first strike, she remembered how it turned out for Glenn all those years ago.

Dimitri watches her for a moment longer before he lunges at her swinging his lance. His swing is wide and Byleth is able to dodge it with ease and strikes him with her blade.

The Prince grunts but he doesn't back down. He takes an offensive position and begins swinging at random, Byleth backs up as he lashes.

It would be best to avoid taking a hit from him, she knows it will pack a punch if she does. So strategically it is smarter but... It kind of takes the point out of sparing if she's just running away.

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