Missing Flayn:

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"Finding Flayn is our mission for this month?" Sylvain asked in shock. His characteristic smirk fell over his face, "Lucky for us finding ladies is my specialty.

Byleth grimace, now really wasn't the time for this. "Sylvain, this is serious," she said sternly.

The red head nodded, "Alright, I'm sorry" he said, Byleth had no idea how Sylvain was so composed after everything that had just happened but, at the same time they also didn't have the luxury to question it.

Finding Flayn was top priority.

"Maybe she just wishes for some alone time?" Bernadetta squeaked out.

Byleth shook her head, "I had thought that at first, but it's very unlike Flayn" she replied "She isn't one to hide away, especially not with Seteth worrying about the monastery" she added.

Annette frowned, "I have heard rumors lately" she began "About some Death Knight who has been running around town... I do hope Flayn is ok" she said in a concerned tone.

Oh goddess.

"Hmph, I hope to cross blades with him" Felix remarked, Byleth repressed the urge to scold him. They had no way of telling whether or not Flayn's disappearance was linked with this supposed Death Knight.

"Felix!" Ingrid said sternly and a deep frown fell over her face "Please be considerate of Seteth and the Professor's feelings right now" she scolded.

Dimitri shook his head at the bickering between his fellow classmates, "In any case, we need to begin searching for Flayn immediately" he began "Every moment matters" Dimitri declared.

Yes... Dimitri's right, "Everyone, please be on the lookout for any suspicious individuals... That is all for today. I do hope you'll take this serious" she concluded and left the classroom.

Flayn... Please be ok.


Byleth's search bears no fruit, she knows every nook and cranny of the monastery and yet... No Flayn. Her fear grows exponentially as reality sets in that someone must have definitely abducted Flayn.

"Are you alright there, kid?" Jeralt's voice calls out from behind her.

She turns to him and nods, "I... I don't know where Flayn could be Father" she said softly.

His eyebrows furrow and he drew closer to Byleth then gives her a brief hug, "Listen Kid, I know this is difficult" he began "But if you are running yourself ragged, chasing trails that lead to nothing you will be of no use to Flayn" he said, "Take a brief break, clear your head" he said sternly "Being stressed will do more harm than good".

Byleth was silent for a moment, he was right. She will get nowhere in this state. She needs to calm down and review everything all over again.

"Thank you, Father," Byleth says softly, had he not told her that it would have only been a matter of time before she began to spiral further.

A small smile spread across Jeralt's face, "Heh, any time kiddo" he said then ruffled her hair "I would recommend you fill your stomach from what I heard you have been running to and fro"  

Right on cue a loud grumble emitted from her stomach, "I suppose you're right" Byleth responded sheepishly.

Jeralt chuckled, "Of course I am" he said "Now go get lunch before you collapse" he commanded.

She nodded and left on her way to the dining hall.

Her walk there was a silent one, the nuns and priests that she passed didn't approach her or make eye contact and nod in acknowledgment as they normally did. It was understandable, they were frightened by who or what had taken Flayn.

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