The Beginning of Ethereal Moon:

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"You and the Blue Lions did well in handling that awful business in Remire Village" Grandmother declared then shook her head, "I am certain the goddess shares our grief over this tragedy" she sighed "We must reflect our blindness... This whole time Thomas was a Dark Mage".

"Pathetic!" Sothis shouted "How could you have not known there was a rat within your own home!" she yelled then fell silent "Ah, sorry Byleth" she murmured.

Byleth sighed and shook her head, she'll deal with Sothis later. "These villain's they seem to be aligned, who are they?" she asked.

Grandmother was silent for a moment, "Byleth... In the long History of the Church of Seiros-" she began then shook her head "No, since before then" she corrected "There have been those who operate in the shadows. They wish to end the peace in Fodlan" she sighed "The Death Knight, Solon, and the Flame Emperor... They are just pieces to a greater whole".

Byleth frowned, and why is this the first she's heard of them?

"Not the time young one" Sothis murmured.

Yeah... That was true.

"They must be stopped," Byleth replied.

A smile fell over Grandmother's face, "Yes, I agree" she hummed "As of right now we know nothing of their whereabouts or objectives so we must steel ourselves for whatever comes next".

Byleth nodded, "Will do Grandmother" she said then began to turn around.

"Wait" Grandmother called out "Dear... I expect great things from you Byleth... Walk this Earth proudly and may the Goddess Sothis protect you" she declared.

"Thank you, Grandmother," Byleth replied then left from the audience chamber.

"The Goddess Sothis?" Sothis said in a small voice "That is what she just said correct?"

Byleth nodded, "Yes... You've mentioned before having access to my memories, how is this the first you are learning this" she murmured.

Sothis was silent for a moment, "Just... Who or what am I" she whispered.

Honestly... That was a question Byleth had been avoiding acknowledging.

"I'm sorry Sothis... I don't have those answers" she sighed.

The girl groaned, "Yeah, I know" she murmured.

Poor Sothis.


Byleth stood at the entrance of the training grounds. She watched for a couple of seconds as the Prince swung his lance at the dummy. Goddess she'd corrected him countless times and he still is making his swings too wide.

She sighed and shook her head. Some people never learn.

"Dimitri" Byleth called out and then entered the grounds, the Prince immediately turned to her as she approached him. He looked... Ashamed. "I came to check on you" Byleth began "It got ugly in Remire Village... Are you alright?" she asked.

Dimitri was silent for a moment, "Byleth... I'm sorry you had to see that side of me again" he murmured and looked to the floor "I'm completely mortified by my behavior, it's just when I saw the chaos... My mind went dark" he sighed.

Byleth nodded her head, "Dimitri, where is this anger coming from?" she asked.

The Prince flinched, "I've told you before that there are just some things that you cannot accept... And that what it was to me" he replied and shook his head, "I know it's difficult to understand since I have no connection to the villagers but... I saw those same flames of torment, four years ago in Duscur" he said quietly.

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