The Mock Battle:

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"Ah, Byleth how did it go?" Seteth asked as she swung the door open, causing it to slam against the wall.

Byleth frowned at him, "Uncle" she began "How could you do such a thing?!" she asked sternly "You threw me into that without a single explanation, do you know how out of my depth I was?!".

Uncle simply stared at her, "Byleth, you will have to do a lot of things as Archbishop. You won't always have the set routine, there are times you will have to do things that you don't like" he said "Get used to it".

"Get used to it?" Byleth recited "Uncle, you are unreasonable sometimes" she sighed and paused a moment "Most times actually".

Seteth sighed and shook his head, "How did it go?" he asked.

"Horribly" Byleth replied.

Uncle raised an eyebrow at her, "I am certain it wasn't that bad" he said in an unconvinced voice.

"That's where you would be wrong my dear Uncle" Byleth sighed and paused for a moment, "It's just... Weird" she said. "They are so close to my age, what could I know that they don't?" she asked.

Seteth sighed, "Byleth... You have to give it time, you can't just expect it to be easy right away" he said.

"Yeah... I suppose" Byleth murmured, "I'm still telling Flayn" she concluded.

Uncle furrowed his eyebrows, "Don't you think that's a bit excessive now?".

Byleth shook her head and turned to the exit, "Not at all" she called back and left from his office in search of Flayn.

The halls of the monastery were filled with new faces.

Sometimes it was odd how often it changed around them, but... It did keep things interesting at least.

She searched in all of the spots that Flayn normally lingered in during the day and she was nowhere to be found.

That left only one place she could think of.

The cathedral.

She didn't typically go there unless she was conducting her duties, memories of the choir conductor scolding her as a child flood her mind.


But she does wish to get Seteth in trouble with Flayn, so she will.

There are nuns and priests here and there, she even sees a few students. One of which is from her classroom.

"Ah! Professor Byleth!" Mercedes calls out happily "Have you come to pray to the goddess?" she asked.

Byleth shook her head, "Not at the moment" she replied "I'm actually searching for someone" she added.

Mercedes nodded, "Oh, I see would you like me to help you look for them?" she asked.

"Oh, it's alright Mercedes" Byleth began "I don't want to take up your time".

Mercedes shook her head, "Nonsense, it would be no issue to me" she said "Come, let's search who is it that you are looking for?" she asked.

"Ah, well her name is Flayn" Byleth said "She is on the shorter side and has green hair" she added.

Mercedes was silent for a moment, "I think I saw her earlier actually" she said "I believe she is looking at the statues of the saints".

That certainly sounded like Flayn.

Byleth bowed, "Thank you very much Mercedes" she said.

Mercedes smiled and nodded, "Of course, let's go find her now" she said and began guiding the way.

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