The Royal Family Lives:

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Byleth isn't sure if Dimitri has slept at all since, they escaped from Fhirdiad. Any time they've stopped to make camp, he stalks the perimeter with his lance in his hand watching, waiting for anyone to attack. When Byleth had offered to guard over him so he could sleep he scowled at her for even suggesting it.

He said he didn't need it.

She was concerned, but once they got to the monastery... Hopefully things will take a turn for the better. Dimitri can get some much-deserved rest and maybe realize that going after Edelgard without the force of Faerghus behind them is suicide.

That is her hope at least.

They'd been riding in silence for hours, normally it was never an issue for her. But this silence felt suffocating. "We should reach the monastery by nightfall" Byleth murmured.

And Dimitri responded in a grunt.

She sighed, Byleth had never anticipated she would become the talkative one out of the both of them. Sothis had never shut up before, and so Byleth always had that Gremlin voicing her thoughts and opinions whether or not Byleth cared, and once Sothis was gone. Dimitri filled that spot, and now... Byleth had to be the conversationalist of the two.

Sothis help her.

"So... How about this weather?" Byleth murmured.

No response.

She frowned slightly, "Are any of your wounds hurting, I can heal them if-"

"Enough already" Dimitri said sternly "Must you keep prattling on" he scoffed.

"You don't need to be rude" Byleth retorted, "I would have thought being raised a Prince, you would have been taught better manners" she added.

Byleth could have sworn that she heard him growl at her, but he didn't say anything further than that.

Fine, whatever.

He's upset, and angry over everything that's happened. Which is understandable, but she had nothing to do with it. His anger that he's directing towards her is unjust...

Or... Maybe it isn't at the same time.

After all she has Sothis's power of time, but she is still unable to save everyone.

But of course, Dimitri doesn't know this, could she... Ever tell him this? The choices that she alone makes, who lives and who dies.

No, it would only make him resent her over those that she couldn't save.

She didn't want to think of this anymore, they will soon be at the monastery and everything will be fine. They can reclaim Fhirdiad, and end the war in Fodlan, everything will be fine.


They'd reached the monastery by nightfall.

"Your Highness?! Lady Byleth?!" Alois called out from the gate of the monastery, "You both..." he began but trailed off.

Byleth understood what he meant, "Yes, we're alive" she sighed "Where's my Uncle?" she questioned.

"Ah right, he's in his office" Alois replied "Lady Byleth I am glad you are alive and well" he began then looked to Dimitri "You as well your Highness, things have gone downhill with the Kingdom but now that you are here, we can get everything back on track" he concluded.

Dimitri just walked straight past him.

"Sorry Alois" she murmured and took off after him, "Dimitri" Byleth called out "Where are you going?" she questioned.

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