True Chivalry:

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Byleth made her way back to the Archbishops chambers, and there she was standing in the center of the room.

It appeared that she had an audience. The Prince.

She had to admit seeing the Prince and her Grandmother together... well it concerned her to say the least.

Oh goddess.

She hadn't even thought of it, but there's a good chance that is what Grandmother wishes to speak with her about.

She frowned slightly and waited by the door of the audience chamber, if that's what they were discussing she wanted no part in it.

A couple of minutes passed by before the Prince turned and left from the audience chambers, their eyes met for a moment, but he quickly turned away and continued out the chambers.


They were most likely discussing their betrothal.

Byleth sighed then walked to Lady Rhea, "Hello Grandmother" she greeted.

Rhea's eyes widened slightly, "Byleth?" she said "Is something the matter?" she questioned.

Byleth shook her head, "I regret to inform you that I have to cancel our teatime for today" she began "We are going to Fraldarius territory to assist with bandits that have been attacking the villages there" she concluded.

Grandmother pursed her lips together and nodded, "I see" she sighed "I take this is non-negotiable?" she asked.

"I'm afraid not," Byleth replied. "Felix asked for my assistance and I would like to help," she added.

Rhea sighed then nodded, "Alright you have my approval then" she said then paused for a moment, "Tell me the moment you arrive there is an important matter we must discuss" she added sternly.

Byleth was silent for a moment, "Ok... I will" she said quietly.

Grandmother smiled, "Byleth... I can tell you have already figured it out" she said softly "It's nothing to be afraid..." she began then trailed off and shook her head, "We'll discuss this when you return, now go" she concluded.

Byleth nodded and left from the audience chambers, how was she supposed to face the Prince now...


The trip to Fraldarius territory was an awkward one, the Prince made it clear that he did not wish to be around Byleth. Which was fine, she wasn't exactly in the mood to be in his presence either.

There was one thing she had to admit, the fact that the Prince was avoiding her... It had stung slightly.

Is this how he felt when she did it to him?

Well, it certainly puts things into perspective a bit. Is this what Sothis had meant by when she said others had feelings?

Ugh... She was getting ahead of herself.

"Are you alright Byleth?" Flayn asked softly as they rode beside one another.

Byleth nodded, "Of course I am" she replied "And how are you today Flayn?" she asked.

Flayn sighed, "Byleth, don't change the subject" she said softly "You seem... Tense".

Tense? Byleth? That was nonsense.

Byleth chuckled and shook her head, "Sorry dear Flayn but you are quite mistaken" she hummed "I am the embodiment of not tense" she added.

Flayn shot her a look, "Fine" she sighed. Silence fell around them for a couple of seconds "What did Lady Rhea speak to you about" Flayn asked.

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