Attack on the Monastery:

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Felix crossed his arms and frowned at Byleth, "What are you going to do about the boar?" he questioned.

Byleth sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, "I don't know Felix" she replied "What can I do? Dimitri wishes to destroy the Empire, and I will follow what he says-"

"Don't be stupid" Felix snapped then shook his head, "You have more common sense than that Byleth" he added.

Sylvain rested his hand on Felix's shoulder, "Woah, calm down Felix" he said "At the end of the day it doesn't matter, whatever Dimitri says is what we are going to do" he sighed.

Felix was silent for a moment then sighed, "I warned you Byleth, that he is no more than a boar" he began "I hope you have a plan to fix this" he concluded then walked off from Byleth and Sylvain.

The red head sighed and shook his head, "He's just worried Byleth, don't take it personal" Sylvain murmured.

Yeah... Byleth knew that, but it was tough to have the weight of so many responsibilities at once. "I know Sylvain" she replied and smiled weakly at him "I'll try and figure it out" she added.

Sylvain nodded and patted her back, "I don't doubt it Byleth" he chuckled "Just be sure not to wear yourself out trying to solve everything, there is only one of you after all" he concluded.

She was silent for a moment, "Thank you Sylvain" she replied "I'll be sure to heed your advice" she said then turned around and left from his presence.

Most of her former Blue Lions had been helpful to her, well except Felix. But she knows that he means well despite his harsh words.

But he's right.

She does need to do something about Dimitri, it's getting to the point that she's been getting complaints that people won't dare enter the Cathedral, because of the Prince who's taken up refugee there.

Out of all the places to pick, she didn't understand why it had to be the cathedral. If he truly wished to be alone, he wouldn't have chosen such a place, perhaps it was his own way of showing that he doesn't truly wish to be disregarded by them...

Or perhaps she's reading too into it.

Regardless, she still needs to find a way to get through to him. So, for the second time today she stops by the dining hall and picks up lunch for her and Dimitri and takes it to the Cathedral.

He's standing in the same spot.

She sighs and walks over to where she left his breakfast and sure enough it's still there.


Byleth sets their lunch down beside that tray and walks over to the Prince. He's murmuring to himself again. She catches something about Glenn and His Father before he lets out a grunt then turns and faces her, "Go away" Dimitri commanded.

She stared at him for a moment and shook her head, "I heard you mention Glenn and Your Father is everything alright?" Byleth asked, ignoring his former statement.

Dimitri flinched, "Silence, you have no idea what you are talking about" he said sternly.

Maybe she didn't.

Byleth watched him for a moment, it was hard to think that he was once the man who held her affectionately and whispered sweet nothings as he stood across from her with a murderous gleam in his eye. She finally sighed and shook her head, "You didn't eat this morning" she began "You need to eat, or you will grow weak Dimitri".

Dimitri glared down at her and scoffed, "I don't need you to mother me, Woman. Now leave" he snarled.

She frowned, Woman? That stung a bit to be generalized in such a way by him. Byleth looked away from his hateful glare, "Fine" she muttered "I won't bother you any further today" she murmured "Just try to eat something" she concluded then left before he could say anymore hurtful words.

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