Castle Gaspard:

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The trip to Castle Gaspard felt like it took an eternity.

The tensions as they traveled was high, it didn't help that it would take a day before they reached there.

They were drawing closer and closer with every passing hour, the nice fresh breeze that surrounded the monastery was now the crisp frigid winds of Faerghus.

Ashe had been... Silent, the whole trip.

She couldn't blame him.

Byleth had given him the option to stay behind but he refused in hopes of talking Lord Lonato out of his mania.

Ashe had said if that didn't work then he would be the one to kill Lord Lonato.

Byleth wasn't going to let him if it came down to that.

She could live with him hating her, but... She wouldn't be able to live with the fact she let him kill his Father.

That would haunt him for the rest of his days, she's certain of it.

"So, Byleth... How are you feeling?" Catherine asks quietly, there aren't many students beside them just Dimitri who is a few feet in front of them as they walk.

"Horrible" Byleth replied, "And you?".

Catherine sighs, "I feel the same" she murmured "I can't believe it's been three years since it all happened" she said "It feels just like yesterday".

Byleth understood, the pain still feels fresh for her as well.

"I never thought I would be back here" Byleth sighed.

Catherine nodded her head in agreement, "Neither did I" she said "I guess life is messed up in that way".

That wasn't comforting in the slightest.

Byleth frowned at her, "That doesn't really help Catherine" she sighed and shook her head.

They would soon be facing Lord Lonato...

Goddess have mercy on his soul.


They had reached Gaspard territory.

"Uh, Professor Byleth" Ingrid called out "Is it supposed to be this dark out?" she questioned.

"Everyone stay close together" Byleth called out, "And no Ingrid, it's not" she replied.

A few feet ahead she can see the glow of Catherine's hero's relic.

"I think I've read something about magic being used to afflict the weather" Annette murmurs.

"Oh, right" Sylvain calls out "I think it's dark mages who can do that" he added.

"Yeah! You're right!" Annette said happily.

"How does an idiot like you even know that Sylvain?" Felix question.

"Everyone quiet down," Byleth commanded and their voices immediately stopped.

It was hard to see, they could be ambushed at any given moment, if it were a mage that caused this then taking them out should cause the fog to go away, right?

Byleth certainly hoped so.

The grass crunched underneath her feet. It was nerve wracking waiting for them to attack.

Catherine and a couple of the knights had gone ahead into a grassy area while Byleth and her students stuck to the trail.

"How could you do this to Lord Lonato" a voice shouts, Byleth looks around she can't see where it comes from "He is a good man who doesn't deserve this!" they shout and come into view in front of her.

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