Saint Macuil Day:

359 16 19

"You told Lady Rhea that your class wasn't ready to go on their mission?" Jeralt asked.

Byleth sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, "Yes, that's because they aren't" she said "The other classes aren't doing these missions yet" Byleth began "I know she expects a lot from me and Uncle teaching them, but it will put them in danger for nothing".

Her Father nodded his head patiently, "I see" he murmured "In the end, there is nothing you can do though am I right?" he asked.

"Yeah... I know" Byleth sighed.

"You just have to train them as best as you can" Jeralt said "But... I'll admit it is rather sudden to send you Kids out there" he murmured "Anyhow, you are strong enough to care for yourself, and I am certain that you will be able to help those little pups of yours" he added and laughed.

"Thank you" Byleth said softly, he was right she had the training. She just needed to pass it onto them now. "You were immensely helpful Father. I appreciate it greatly" Byleth said and stood up from the chair in his office and left the room.

She understands that it is her duty to teach the Blue Lions to fight... But she can't help but feel heavy hearted teaching them to kill. It's different with them, they can live normal happy lives, untainted by the horrors of the world, although... They did choose to attend this school knowing what it would entail.

They made their choices to be here, to fight.

And now she must ensure they don't die.

"Byleth" Dimitri's voice called out.

She jumped at the intrusion and whipped around to face him, "Yes?" she replied.

His brows were furrowed, "You really don't think we can handle this mission?" Dimitri asked sternly "Byleth, we aren't children we know the consequences of battle".

"There's a difference between the consequences of battle and actually battling Your Highness" Byleth retorted "And I stand by my belief, they aren't ready right now but I don't really have much a choice on the matter so I have to make them ready for anything that can be thrown at them on a battlefield" she said sternly "It has nothing to do with whether I believe that they are capable of fighting, I know in time all of them will be but right now they are not".

Dimitri was silent for a moment, "I see" he said then turned and walked away.

It appears she upset the Prince.

"Hmph, he should be more grateful you don't want to send them off to kill" Sothis murmured to her, Byleth didn't reply to her what was there to say on the matter.

She knew why it upset him, but it didn't change things.

They were not ready to fight, well not yet at least.


The Blue Lions had begun training hard for their mission.

Dedue, Dimitri, Felix, and Ingrid had all risen to the challenge that Byleth put them under, the Prince had been particularly determined to show that they were capable.

But the others... They struggled a bit more.

Sylvain was strong and capable. She just had a hard time getting him to take her seriously and to take his training seriously.

Annette tried her hardest, she had gotten the hang of her reason magic really well. But then again, that is because she had schooling in it previously, so it made sense. But with the axe... She wasn't that great at it. But in due time she would get better.

Mercedes... Was easily winded and had a hard time keeping up with rigorous training sessions. However, she excelled in her faith magic and it looked to be stronger than Byleth's. That would be good to have on the battlefield. But what took Byleth by surprise was how skilled of an archer she had become. Perhaps distanced attacks would be her forte? Maybe during the mission she'll pair her with Dedue, that should be a good duo.

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