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The war...

It's over.

Byleth lost track of where Dimitri went, most likely surveying the city ensuring that it is safe.

Edelgard is dead. And with her the war that she began ended as well.

Grandmother... Where could she be?

Byleth had been searching the palace to no avail, it felt wrong being here. But she has to find her.

There is so much she needs to know and has to ask her. But most of all, she doesn't want to have the power of the Archbishop.

Perhaps it's selfish, the battle has just finished. And her search for her Grandmother is purely out of self-interest, but for years Byleth has done all that they asked. All that Grandmother asked... And she is done with it.

The lies, deceit. Being let in the dark.

Rhea... If that is who she truly is, has a lot that she must explain.


She quickly turns and faces her caller, oh.


"What is it Felix?" Byleth questioned.

"The boar is looking for you" Felix replied "You shouldn't wander on your own, there could still be Empire soldiers hiding" he added.

Byleth nodded, "Yeah I know" she sighed "Hence why I have my blade ready" she concluded.

Felix shook his head at her, "Tsk, you are so reckless" he huffed then turned around "Come on, before the boar gets sentimental" he said then began leading the way down the halls of the Palace till the reach the gardens.

Dimitri is standing there with his arms crossed staring down at a soldier in Empire clothes.

"Dimitri?" Byleth calls out and walks to his side.

The soldier looks to her, "Lady Byleth" he calls out and holds out a letter to her "This is for you" he said.

Byleth frowned, "Who sent this?" she asked.

"Hubert," he replied.

Dimitri scoffed, "Hubert is dead" he said sternly.

The soldier nodded, "Yes... He asked me to give this to Lady Byleth should, both him and Her Majesty perish" he said.

"I see" Byleth murmured then crossed her arms at him, "The Emperor and Hubert have been defeated" she declared "What do you intend to do now?" she questioned.

The soldier's eyes widened, "I... I have family in the city" he began "I... I don't want to die".

Dimitri nodded his head in approval, "Leave now then" he commanded, the soldier didn't need to be told twice. He spun on his heels and fled from them.

She's glad.

It's certainly better than the alternative.

"What does the letter say?" Dimitri asks, as he was watching her.

Ah. Right.

She quickly opens the letter and skims over it's...


Byleth quickly turns around and bolts off.


"Byleth!" Dimitri called after her.

The dungeon.

Why did she not think to look there?

"Byleth, where are you going?!" Dimitri shouted as he chased her until they reached the door that led down to what she believed to be the Empire's dungeons.

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