The Ball:

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Byleth woke up to a loud noise filling her room, she immediately shot up in bed and was met with the faces of her students.

"Byleth, you are not up yet!?" Flayn called out "I expected better from you. You should have gotten up early, you knew we were doing this" she sighed.

Annette had a look of horror on her face and she bowed deeply, "We're sorry Professor Byleth" she said in a shrill voice "We can come back later" she added.

Flayn shook her head, "No" she said "Byleth is just being lazy, this is a common issue for us" she sighed then placed her hands on her hips and walked over to Byleth's bedside "Now get up!" she scolded.

Byleth frowned and laid back down, "Give me a few more minutes" she murmured.

Flayn sighed and pulled the blankets off of her "Up now" she said firmly "Your students are here what kind of example are you setting!" she scolded.

She huffed then sat up in her bed, "Fine, I'm awake" Byleth replied and rubbed at her face. She definitely needed more sleep to deal with this today.

"Perhaps Professor Byleth and I should go and train to wake her up?" Ingrid suggested, Byleth had to admire the girls' attempt at trying to get them out of this mess.

Mercedes shook her head, "Not a chance Ingrid" she hummed.

Byleth sighed and looked to Ingrid, "I appreciate the help, but I know there's no escaping this" she said, the blonde had a look of concern as she realized they were stuck.

But that wouldn't stop Byleth from trying.

Flayn grabbed Byleth by the wrist and dragged her out of bed, "Good! Let's get started then!" she exclaimed.

Byleth shook her head, "I'm going to eat breakfast in the dining hall first" she said and pulled her wrist from Flayn's hand.

The girl frowned at Byleth, "I think not" she said sternly "I know what you are doing it won't work" she added.

Byleth shrugged "That's fine, I'll just have to eat once you finish with my make-up then" she hummed "Pheasant roast sounds rather good, I think I'll have that once we're done here".

Flayn's eye twitched slightly in annoyance, "Hmph, fine" she pouted "But you better be quick" she added sternly.

"I'll think about it," Byleth replied as she stood up from her bed and walked behind her changing screen. "Ingrid can accompany me if you are worried about me not coming back" she added as she quickly changed into her everyday clothes then came back out to them.

Ingrid nodded her head, "Yes! I'll go with Professor Byleth!" she said quickly.

Annette shook her head in disappointment, "Fine" she sighed "But you two better come back" she added sternly.

Byleth nodded, "Will do" she said then left from her room quickly with Ingrid on her tail.

"Thank you, Professor Byleth," Ingrid called out once they'd reached the second floor of the monastery.

Byleth chuckled softly, "No problem Ingrid, it was the least I could do after you tried to help me get out of there" she hummed.

"You still have my thanks" Ingrid laughed "Annette and Mercedes I know they have good intentions, but it can be a bit overbearing at times" she sighed.

Byleth nodded, "I understand, Flayn can be like that at times as well, they just care a lot is all" she replied, "In any case we have maybe an hour possibly two before the cavalry comes for us" she sighed "We better make the most of it" she added and led the way to the dining hall.

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