The Kingdom's Help:

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Everything with the war began to gain speed. It had been maybe a week after Byleth and Dimitri's wedding before their allies began to actually set out to begin preparing the monastery.

Byleth... Had assumed that she would assist with that. But it wasn't the case, well not yet at least. The King Regent thought that it would be best for her and Dimitri to remain in the Kingdom. Dimitri... He was displeased by it to say the least.

But he couldn't exactly go against the King Regents word, for the time being he was still acting King of Faerghus. Byleth may be acting Archbishop, but she lacks the ability to transfer power from one to another. Or so the King Regent and Cornelia say.

She isn't exactly in the position to argue that fact though, well not until they find Grandmother... If they find Grandmother.


She can't think that way.


She looked up from her desk. Dimitri, "Ah, sorry" she murmured "I didn't hear you enter" she added.

Dimitri nodded and walked over to her, "It's alright" he replied "Is there anything I can help you with?" he asked.

Byleth shook her head, "No, it's merely correspondents to people" she hummed "Ah, the others haven't left, yet have they?" she asked.

"They have not" Dimitri replied then shook his head, "I think my Uncle is wrong to keep us here" he murmured "We should be leading our forces to the monastery, not hiding in Fhirdiad" he said sternly.

"I agree" Byleth sighed "It's not like we have much of a choice at the moment though" she murmured and shook her head, "Let's just hope that we'll be able to join them soon" she added.

Dimitri nodded, "Yeah... I hope so too" he muttered then sighed "If you are done with those, we should go see everyone off" Dimitri concluded.

Right, they should. Uncle and Flayn would never let Byleth hear the end of it if she failed to say goodbye. Actually... That probably went for every one of their friends now that she thought of it, well except Dedue. But that was only because he wasn't leaving with the others.

But that mattered not.

Byleth stood up from the desk and looked at Dimitri, "Yes, you're right" she hummed then walked over to him.

A small smile grew on Dimitri's lips, but it did little to ease the growing bags under his eyes. Goddess, he was losing so much sleep over the King Regents decision. "Let's get going then" he replied then grabbed her hand and began to lead the way.


"Oh Byleth" Flayn sighed and pulled her into a tight hug "I wish you could come with us" she said softly.

Byleth wished she could as well, but... She wasn't just the leader of the Church, she had duties in Faerghus now as well. "I know Flayn" Byleth sighed, "Hopefully in due time I will be able to go" she murmured.

"At least you will be safe here Byleth" Uncle butted in.


Is that what he's calling it?

Byleth frowned, "Being complicit doesn't lead to safety" she sighed "Not while everyone else is risking their lives... It's not right" she murmured.

Seteth sighed, "Maybe not, but you were already lost for five years Byleth" he said.

That... Was true. But it didn't change the matter at hand, there was still a war going on. And she needed to stop it. They all did. It wasn't something that they should be excluded from, they owed it to the people of Faerghus... No.

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